Senior Executive Advisor, Strategy& Germany
Yanbing Jiang is a Senior Executive Advisor in the TMT Practice for Strategy&, PwC’s strategy consulting business. Based in Hamburg, he is advising clients in the European technology, media and telecom industry. His main focus lies on strategy and business development for multinational conglomerate corporations.
Yanbing joined the firm from Infineon in the Greater China region where he was in charge of strategy and M&A. During his 25-year professional career, the experienced strategist has worked for various companies such as Philips Semiconductors, Huawei and Accenture in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific, covering various corporate functions ranging from R&D, customer support, marketing, sales, service delivery and strategy.
Yanbing received his undergraduate degrees in Computer Science and Law from Nankai University in China, and he also holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) and a Master of Science degree from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven of Belgium, and a Master of Business Administration degree from Duke University of the USA.
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