Solidarity cake, anyone?


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What is solidarity?

4 years ago this seemed to be a question that was buzzing through different circles of European youth work and the answer to it needed to arrive very fast!

Let’s go back just a little bit: Juncker’s State of the Union speech in 2016 had solidarity at the heart. There was an urgent need to reflect on the European Union’s reponse to the refugee crisis, to Brexit, to the rise of the far right political parties, to the climate crisis… to many things. Solidarity was seen as an answer under a new flagship programme of the European Union: European Solidarity Corps.

For many involved in youth work, the concept of solidarity has always been there, but under different names.

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Snezana Deko
Snežana Bačlija Knoch
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Snežana Bačlija Knoch was born in Yugoslavia and now lives in Serbia with her family. She works fully freelance as a trainer and consultant and has been active for some years in facilitating the Training and Evaluation Cycle in EVS and now European Solidarity Corps. Snežana’s passions are value-based education, conflict transformation and educational game design. She is a member of the International Youth Work Trainers’ Guild. Snežana also enjoys the challenges of research (although she is not a researcher) and writing and has contributed to many different articles, publications, handbooks and reports.

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Susie Deko
Susie Nicodemi
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Susie comes from the practice field, has done a bit of policy-making, enjoys facilitating, and is getting more and more into writing and research.

“I live in a town in the south of England with my family, trying to bring European values down to local everyday actions. I have been involved in youth work (local and international) for a long time – with many different hats on. European Programmes make a difference. Helping shape them makes me more me.”

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