The Tech Safety App Has Been Updated

Please note that as of January 2025, the Tech Safety App is no longer available.

National Network to End Domestic Violence’s Safety Net Project launched our Tech Safety App a few years ago to provide both survivors and advocates with information about tech abuse and options for taking action to address it. Today, we are releasing version 2.0, updated to reflect newer technology, forms of tech abuse, and strategies for increasing privacy and safety. The most common kinds of abuse covered in the app include harassment, location tracking, and surveillance via phones, tablets, computers, and gaming devices. The Tech Safety App also has safety and privacy tips for social media and other apps.

 The Tech Safety App can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store or Google Play. A web-based version is also available at, which can be a safer option for survivors who are worried their phone is being monitored. In that case, we would suggest using a trusted person’s phone or a computer at school, work, or the library to access the site. The app or site can also be accessed with an advocate if the survivor is working with a victim services program.

All of the content in the app is available in English and Spanish, including audio versions and embedded videos.

Survivors and advocates can access in-depth information about technology safety in our Survivors’ Toolkit.