There are plenty of restaurants in Kings Cross with outdoor seats, but not too many of them can say that they have a canalside view as pretty as The Lighterman. It’s a British restaurant with scenic views of the Regent’s Canal, and while there’s a shiny, minimal-looking dining room inside, The Lighterman comes into its own during decent weather with a lovely outdoor area that has plenty of seats for a group of friends to sip cocktails and eat scotch eggs and plates of Spanish ham. It’s good for an after-work meetup with a mate, or gathering some people together for a lazy session at the weekend, however if the weather's anything other than cold and rainy, you should know that getting a good table here is not easy.
photo credit: Karolina Wiercigroch
What our ratings mean
Pretty good: You’ll likely be satisfied by a meal here, especially for a specific situation. These are handy back-up restaurants and beloved local spots.