
Speed runder er en modifikation af spillet, som f.eks. spilles 120 x hurtigere end normalt, runderne kan varierer fra en time til en uge.

#6680 Speed League - Ultra

Start: jan. 25, 06:00
Slut: jan. 25, 10:00
Beskrivelse: During speed rounds additional game rules apply. Please find them listed, along with the round settings, on the forum.

>> To the Round Description
Spillergrænse: 150
Vinderkrav: Top points will be awarded points in the speed league. There is no individual prize for this round.

>> To information about our speed league
Hastighed: 150
Enheds hastighed: 0.7
Sovemodul: Nej
Kontorepræsentation: Nej
Moral: Nej