They say that the Galician Rias, those long inlets, are the finger marks that God left when, after creating the world, he placed his hand there to rest.

And it may be true, because in the intricate 1,498 kilometres of coastline stretching from Vigo to Ribadeo, the rías are a unique phenomenon, a gift from heaven… to enjoy on earth.

From east to west, from north to south, from the Rías Altas (high estuaries) to the Rías Baixas (low estuaries) passing by the estuaries of the Costa Ártabra and those of the A Costa da Morte, each Galician estuary is a haven that contains a world full of natural wealth, and of landscapes with stories to be told.

Cliffs, beaches with calm waters, vineyards and pine groves, fishing villages, marinas, stone manor houses with gardens by the sea and that which for many is the best of the rías; its magnificent gastronomy that tastes like the sea.

