The future is here. In a big way.

It is such a spectacular architectural proposal that it awakens passions. It is called the “Cidade da Cultura”, a risky and imaginative creation by the great architect Peter Eisenman. It is in Santiago de Compostela, majestically situated at the top of the Monte Gaiás hill, and it is a must see if you want to be up to date. In addition to hosting the LibraryMuseum of Galicia, etc the Cidade da Cultura offers a fantastic and varied program: exhibits, concerts, conferences, cinema, workshops, seminars and avant-garde cultural projects… all year round.

Don't let others tell you about it. Come and see for yourself.


A 21st Century project

Situaded in Santiago de Compostela, an emblem of European cultural tradition whose historic city has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985, the City of Culture of Galicia rises on the top of mount Gaiás as a formidable architectural milestone for the new century.

Designed by the American architect Peter Eisenman to host the best of cultural expressions of Galicia, Spain, Europe, Latin America and the World, this new "city", inclusive and plural, shall contribute towards meeting the challenges of the information and knowledge society.

This new "city", inclusive and plural, shall contribute towards meeting the challenges of the information and knowledge society..

Its unique buildings, interconnected by streets and plazas equipped with state-of-the-art technology, make up a space of excellence for reflection, debate and actions orientated towards Galicia's future and internationalization.

Its spaces shall host services and activities devoted to the preservation of heritage and memory, the study, research, experimentation, production and dissemination in the field of literature and thinking, music, drama, dance, film, the visual arts, audiovisual creation and communication.

As a place for convergence and international projection, the City of Culture of Galicia shall revitalize in the 21st century the twofold vocation -voyager and hospitable- of Galician people, contributing from a cultural standpoint to the social and economic development of the land.
