Here was the end of the world, the 'Finis Terrae' of the Romans. Specifically, Cabo Fisterra, a fascinating place since ancient times, and where many pilgrims end their journey after passing through Santiago de Compostela.
Sea and mountains, rivers and estuaries, meadows and beaches.
In the Mariña of Lugo, forests merge with the sea. It is the green Galicia that overlooks the Bay of Biscay. About 100 kilometres of coastline dotted with natural wonders.
The Os Ancares and O Courel mountain ranges extend across Lugo, on the border with Asturias and León. They form the largest natural area in Galicia. The green reserve. Oaks, chestnut, beech and hazel trees.
Stunning scenery such as the canyons of the River Sil – which are navigable – and landscapes that are home to one of the largest concentrations of churches and monasteries in Europe.
Located in the heart of the province of Ourense, O Ribeiro is a land of fertile valleys crossed by numerous rivers such as the Miño, the Arnoia or the Avia.
Os concellos que integran o xeodestino son: Barro, Bueu, Caldas de Reis, Campo Lameiro, Cangas, Cerdedo-Cotobade, Cuntis, Lama (A), Marín, Moaña, Moraña, Poio, Ponte Caldelas, Pontevedra, Portas, Vilaboa
Os concellos que integran o xeodestino son: Arbo, Cañiza (A), Covelo, Crecente, Mondariz, Mondariz-Balneario, Neves (As), Ponteareas, Salceda de Caselas, Salvaterra de Miño
And here in the depths of a beautiful forest of pine, oak and chestnut trees, hides "A Fervenza do Toxa" a fabulous, hypnotic waterfall over 30 metres high.