Despite its name of "Costa da Morte" (Coast of Death) this section of the Galician coastline offers lessons on life, history and tradition in every village we visit.
Blessed by its share of lush nature, the Costa Verdescente (Verdant Coast) of Eduardo Pondal invites you to surrender yourself to its charms.
My mother thinks I'm / fishing in the oak grove; / I'm in San Fins do Castro / dancing a muñeira. / My mother, because she could, / built a house on the island, / to see how the people from Neaño / fish for sardines. / The priest in Corme is a tailor / a native of Malpica de Arba and a sailor. / The priest from Paxos is a ploughman / and the one from Cesullas is a piper.
Bagpipe-accompanied song sung en Cabana de Bergantiños