Fady’s skills in strategy and operations are helping Uber meet sustainability goals
September 19, 2023 / Global
We’re committed to making Uber an emission-free mobility platform by 2040 globally. That means 100% of rides and deliveries taking place in zero-emission vehicles, and ending all unnecessary plastic waste from deliveries by 2030. Changes won’t come easily, and will take work, time, and people with all different skills to achieve. That’s where Fady Nakouzi comes in. With a passion for sustainability and deep expertise in strategy and operations, Fady joined our team to offer users and earners more ways to go green: “What drives me is the realization that my creative thinking actually translates into tangible and meaningful impact. It empowers me to shape the trajectory of urban transportation towards a more sustainable path,” he shares below.
Tell us about yourself.
“6 years ago I booked a ride via the Uber app and thought, ‘Uber’s a cool company, let me apply’. So I did and it’s been a privilege being able to explore all the different ways our work can impact how cities and people move. I was born and raised in Lebanon and have a background in Economics from the American University of Beirut. After graduation, I interned at the United Nations Development Programme, because I wanted to do work that had a real impact on people’s lives.
Outside of work, I’m usually trying to get my body moving: at the gym, at the pool or a workout class. I’m generally a fan of being social so you can expect to see me out and about with groups of friends, and then I go home and binge watch TV shows (any recommendations?).”
What inspired you to become involved in the Sustainability program?
“During the pandemic, I was forced to slow down and reflect on aspects of life I often ignored. One realization was my deep impact on nature and the world around me. While stuck at home, I stumbled upon a nature documentary and the main takeaway was that the Earth will probably recover, but without the human species. One recurring thought was that it would be really awesome if we could still live here. Like, it’s hard enough moving to a new apartment or a new city, imagine having to move to an entirely new planet, and that’s if there’s another one even available. It’s important to help establish balance, while we’re still on earth. When Uber announced its global commitment to be a zero-emission platform by 2040, I saw it as the perfect opportunity to do even more meaningful work in an industry I already know and love. At the time, I had been 3 years deep into working on marketplace strategy and operations for the region, whether it was pricing, investment strategies, product launches, or just general marketplace optimizations, so when the opportunity came along, it felt like it was the right move.
Being able to channel my creativity and problem-solving skills genuinely excites me. Sustainability challenges add an extra layer of complexity to the mobility landscape, inviting us to explore innovative solutions on top of an already innovative industry. What drives me is the realization that my creative thinking actually translates into tangible and meaningful impact. It empowers me to help shape the trajectory of urban transportation towards a more sustainable path. Whether it’s through facilitating easier access to electric vehicles for drivers, collaborating with governments to establish best practices and tackle the complexities of EV infrastructure, or introducing more eco-friendly ride options like Uber Green, I have the opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable and responsible future in a region I call home.”
What are some of the most exciting developments in electric vehicle technology that Uber has seen/implemented recently?
“The introduction and expansion of more sustainable product offerings tops my list. Uber has been actively encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles among drivers that use the platform. In many cities, Uber has introduced programs that offer incentives and support to drivers who choose to use EVs, thereby enabling and expanding the offering of EV options for riders. Being able to ride emission-free at the tap of a button is pretty cool.
Another piece of tech I find super impressive is a feature called battery-aware charging. Using some machine learning magic, the feature seamlessly integrates charging information right into the Uber driver app. It makes recommendations on the perfect time and place for drivers to charge up, based on information about the EV battery and preferences of the driver. It also helps drivers plan ahead, virtually eliminating any range anxiety around batteries, mileage, and charging.”
What does the future of electrification look like for Uber?
“The thing about Uber, and what makes it such an interesting place to be, is that it’s not predictable. I could list down all the different directions I think the company could head in, but what’s great about the sustainability space is that it keeps rapidly evolving, so I’d like to keep this open ended. The work that our Product and Engineering teams have done in the sustainability space is out of this world. I really believe that Uber is going to be pivotal in the shift towards more sustainable transportation, whether that’s through increased use of EVs and Hydrogen cars by drivers, or break-through technology we aren’t aware of yet. With any tech, you need a group of excited early adopters, and for mobility, drivers who use the Uber app are exactly that – so what better company to work on this problem than Uber?”
Why join Uber’s sustainability team today?
“Aside from the meaningful work? An amazing group of people across the globe working together. It’s really so much fun being part of this. All the problems we’re solving are new; it’s never easy, but it’s always really exciting. Learning from markets on the other side of the world that have nothing and everything in common with my region is an invaluable experience. 5 stars, would definitely recommend!”
Posted by Charlotte Lim
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