Supporting domestic violence survivors during COVID-19
Written byAs the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our communities, stay-at-home orders have created unintended challenges for some of the most vulnerable among us, including victims of domestic violence. Many are facing increased risk, and are left with few safe options to access resources, seek help or plan an exit.
A few weeks ago, we pledged to provide 10 million free rides and food deliveries to those who need them most during this unprecedented time. With experts reporting a surge in domestic violence globally in the last few weeks, many shelters and service providers are seeking urgent assistance.
We want to do our part to help survivors access life-saving services and find a safe place to shelter. That’s why we are partnering with domestic violence organizations and local governments in 35 cities across 16 countries to provide 50,000 free rides to shelters and safe spaces, and more than 45,000 free meals.
We’ve expanded longstanding partnerships and initiated new ones with incredible organizations like the Safe Center LI in New York, Femmes Avec in Paris, WESNET in Australia, Nissa Institute for Women’s Development in Johannesburg, YWCA in Canada and so many more. We’re extremely grateful for their tireless efforts to support our communities during this especially difficult time.
Uber is committed to women’s safety both on our app and in the communities that we serve. Over the past several years, we’ve partnered with leading gender-based violence organizations globally on awareness, education and prevention of sexual assault and domestic violence. We’ve also taken important steps – like publishing the industry’s first-ever safety report – to drive accountability and improve safety for Uber and the entire industry.
Each of us can help others access resources and safe spaces. If you need help, or know someone who does, there are resources available through our partners at NO MORE and the National Network to End Domestic Violence.