Faculty of Philosophy Development, Environment, Societies, and History of South Asia – Master

Students in the academic programme “Development, Environment, Societies, and History of South Asia” focus on historical, societal and current political and economic developments and events, as well as physiogeographical processes, in the countries of South-East Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka as well as Tibet and the regions surrounding the Himalayas.

Facts & Formalities

DegreeMaster of Arts
Type of programmeConsecutive
Start of programmeWinter and summer semester
Standard period of study4 semesters
Language(s) of instructionEnglish
Fees and contributions161.10 € / Semester
Application procedureConsecutive master’s programmes with access restriction
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.
Part-time optionYes
May be studied as a minor subjectYes
Can be completed entirely in EnglishYes
International degree programYes

Course Content

The degree programme introduces students to multi- and interdisciplinary approaches and enables them to independently and critically work in multicultural environments. To this end, the students select at least one area of specialisation in which they acquire advanced scientific expertise that will then be applied during completion of the Master's thesis. In addition, students also combine this special field with subject modules from other disciplines (supplementary modules). 

Students can learn a South Asian language or increase their knowledge of a South Asian language by combing the course with a minor subject from the range of Master’s courses offered in the linguistics department of the South Asia Institute.

It is possible to choose a minor in combination with this Master programme. For further information please refer to the Examination Rules and Regulations.

Course Structure

The Master’s degree programme provides students with numerous possible combinations and simultaneously emphasises a sound, disciplinary education in a chosen area of specialisation. The option of pursuing a doctorate after the academic programme is ensured by the choice of specialisation. The chosen (first) specialisation and the examination module (Master's thesis and final oral examinations) constitute the study focus.  

The academic programme in the major subject is divided into three areas:

  • compulsory area: This area is mandatory for all students.
  • compulsory elective area: Here students choose a study focus from the disciplines on offer.
  • elective area: In this area, students are free to choose modules from the other courses on offer.

The modules in the specialisations build on one another. In general, the first module covers the basics learned in the Bachelor’s programme in more detail. The aim is to ensure that all students, irrespective of their academic background, are at the same level.

Modules 2 and 3 consolidate the skills and knowledge. Furthermore, they lay the foundation for the research work and subsequent Master's thesis in the fourth semester.

The degree programme is offered as a

  • Major subject
  • Major subject in combination with a minor subject
  • Minor subject

My Way To Application And Admission

Via the button “Select subject and apply +” you can add this subject to the study program finder's watch list. There you will find information on application, admission and enrolment tailored to your individual application profile, and can also access the application platform. Please observe the respective dates and deadlines.