Faculty of Philosophy East Asian Art History – Master

The East Asian Art History academic programme focuses on the art, archaeology, and material culture of China, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Korea. All art forms will be studied, from painting and calligraphy to sculpture and architecture to ceramics, handiwork, and photography, as represented in all epochs, from the Neolithic Age to the present.

Facts & Formalities

DegreeMaster of Arts
Type of programmeConsecutive
Start of programmeWinter semester only
Standard period of study4 semesters
Language(s) of instructionGerman; occasionally English, French, Chinese or Japanese
Fees and contributions161.10 € / Semester
Application procedureConsecutive master’s programmes with access restriction
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.
Part-time optionYes
May be studied as a minor subjectYes

Course Content

The Master’s degree programme in East Asian Art History is designed to give students the opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge of the art and visual culture of China, Japan, and, to a lesser extent, Korea, for the purpose of expanding their education and gaining the practical experience required for positions as curators, gallery owners, journalists, etc. Students in the Master’s degree programme will receive instruction in advanced research methods and subject content and will then apply these in both academic and university-external practice. Graduates have chosen to specialise in the select field of East Asian Art History, learning about current expert knowledge in the subject area and both linking this to previously-acquired knowledge as well as developing it further. They possess advanced knowledge and methodological skills in the areas of iconography, form and style, art categories and techniques, methodology, and art history. They have the ability to both precisely comprehend and describe complex art-historical topics and phenomena based on their formal construction, technical production, or aesthetic quality as well as to be able to categorise these according to broader art-historical and research interrelationships or by using new approaches outside of conventional art history. 

It is mandatory to choose a minor subject in combination with this Master programme. For further information please refer to the Examination Rules and Regulations.

Course Structure

The Master’s degree programme is a modular programme, consisting of a number of different types of courses. These include advanced seminars, lectures, practice classes (language courses), colloquiums, and excursions. More detailed information on the individual modules may be found in the Examination Rules and Regulations. To quickly begin to gain experience abroad and for optimal development of foreign language skills, students are advised to pursue their coursework in one of the first three semesters by studying abroad.  

The Master’s degree programme requires an internship of approximately three weekly contact hours, which will normally take place at a non-university institution with a connection to Asia or to art. In addition, the Institute frequently conducts projects on a variety of specialised research topics, which provide students an opportunity to participate during the course of their studies. 

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Bachelor 25%

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