How does one go from a university classroom to a key role in regulating Artificial Intelligence for the European Commission? Giulia Carsaniga, a former student, shares her journey.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the entrepreneurial landscape, reshaping how companies are created, developed, and managed. We spoke with researcher Tatiana Somià.
Così nascono startup di successo in Alto Adige. Silvia Cortesia e Florian Kiesel raccontano come una collaborazione con il tba network stia migliorando l’analisi delle startup con ...
Malvina Nissim, Professor of Computational Linguistics & Society at the University of Groningen, shares her thoughts on the role AI has and will have in our society.
Architect, urbanist, and researcher at unibz, Mustapha El Moussaoui, explores how AI reshapes the cultural and creative industries, unlocking new possibilities and challenges.