

Italian Erasmus

Grant for rental and healthcare costs

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Scholarships Polo Universitario Interateneo di Rieti

The Polo Universitario Interateneo di Rieti scholarships are financial benefits that Sapienza makes available to students enrolled in degree programmes in Sapienza's Rieti campus.

Regional Scholarships and accommodations

DISCO Lazio - Regional Body for Right to Education and Knowledge- is a regional body which manages the scholarships and accommodations system. To have these benefits students have to apply for a call, which is generally available between the beginning of May and the end of July (check the Call). Special requirements of income and merit specified in the call are required to keep the benefits over the years. The recipients are entitled to the allocation of the required benefits/services, exemption from university fees, regional tax and free or discountedcatering service.

Student-collaboration scholarship

These internships are for students enrolled to years following the first. Selected students will collaborate with university structures such as libraries, laboratories, interactive rooms, reception and information centers for students, stages and promoting activities. 

Paid internships last 150 hours, generally divided in shifts of 2-4 hours per day. The amount of the collaboration grant is 1,295.00 euros. The fee for support activities for students with disabilities and with Specific Learning Difficulties is 1,500.00 tax-free.

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Worthy students scholarship for Italian and International students

Italian and international graduated students can apply for the Wanted the Best Call

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Research and working scholarship

Go to our Transparency Portal (in italian)

Awards and Scholarships for graduation thesis supported by external bodies are on: Degrees Awards and Fellowships (in italian)


International Thesis Scholarships

Scholarships for dissertations abroad are financial benefits offered by Sapienza to students enrolled in degree programmes with the aim of promoting their international mobility for study abroad experiences.
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International Post-degree Scholarship

These scholarships grant advanced education to Sapienza Graduated (Masters Degree -two years courses/ single cycle courses/ old system). The sholaships last from 6 to 12 months. The monthly amount for the internship is € 1.290,00. 
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Grants for foreign and Italian citizens living abroad awarded by the Italian government

Scholarships for study and training abroad

These are scholarships that allow students to study or carry out a traineeship in a foreign country, either through the Erasmus+ programme or through Sapienza funding.
For more information, please click on Study Abroad 

#100ragazzeSTEM: new Sapienza scholarship for outstanding women in STEM

Thesis awards, scholarships and other opportunities

Sapienza, Public Bodies and Private Bodies publish calls for the awarding of thesis prizes, scholarships and other opportunities

Click on the page (in Italian)

Scholarships for Specialisation Schools

Scholarships - Ente Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio e alla Conoscenza DISCO Lazio

Scholarships for international students and Italian student living abroad

Academic Programmes and Education welfare

Education Welfare Unit - Scholarships

Study Abroad



Disco Lazio - Rome Metropolitan City Unit - Sapienza and adjoining Universities 

Via Cesare De Lollis, 22 00185 - Rome


Academic Programmes and Education welfare Area

Right to Education Unit

CU016 Orthopedics Building, 3rd floor

© Sapienza Università di Roma - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma - (+39) 06 49911 - CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002