Funded projects Archive


The grant aims to cover the expenses related to the international mobility of professors, researchers, doctoral students, postgraduate students and research fellows in the framework of proven joint study and research projects, ongoing or to be implemented, between Sapienza and Cornell University with specific reference to the Italian Academic Center, a research space housed within the Tata Innovation Center, in the heart of the Cornell Tech campus, opened in 2019 in New York City by Sapienza, Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna and Federico II of Naples.


Funding award criteria

  1. Proposer's scientific qualification, also with specific reference to the project theme;
  2. Scientific qualification of the Cornell University contact person;
  3. Project scientific relevance at an international level;
  4.  Innovative capacity and growth in terms of the project's study and research activities;
  5. Impact: to be assessed on the basis of the potential effects of the project on the entire scientific community of both Sapienza and Cornell University and of the other collaborating/partner institutions in various capacities;
  6. Consistency with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan themes (e.g., Rome Technopole, National Centres, International Partnerships. Piano Complementare Salute);
  7. Adequacy of the project's financial plan;
  8. Dissemination of project outputs, where possible, in an open format and their use and development at the end of the initiative;
  9. Any existing joint publications related to the project theme.


Funding allocation modalities

The available funding amounts to a total of € 100,000.00. Each selected proposal may receive a maximum contribution of € 7,500.00.

Settore Ricerca scientifica e Reti

Capo Settore
Daniela Magrini

(+39) 06 4991 0435 

Antonello Battaglia
(+39) 06 4969 4234

Claudia Fiorani 
(+39) 06 4991 0978

Belinda Caparro 
(+39) 06 4969 0428


Palazzina Tumminelli (CU007)
Piano terra

Viale dell'Università 36
00185 - Roma Italy

© Sapienza Università di Roma - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma - (+39) 06 49911 - CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002