Bioimaging Platform

The LCSB Bioimaging Platform provides access to and support for a wide variety of advanced microscopy and flow cytometry instruments, enabling researchers to perform studies from the tissue level and down to sub-cellular scales.
The focus of the Bioimaging Platform is to grant researchers access to state-of-the-art analytical imaging technologies. As such, the platform comprises of advanced microscopy systems for high resolution studies of fixed and live samples as well as for low-phototoxicity imaging of whole organs and organisms. Image analysis is supported by strong in-house capacities and the university’s high-performance computing facility.
We work in close collaboration with platform users and research groups to support instrument use, quality control, data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation. Specific expertise in image analysis enables us to assist users with the development of custom-made software tools. The ongoing strategic development of the platform is also organized in strong interactions with the users and their needs.
The Bioimaging platform includes seven advanced microscopy systems, two flow cytometers and several high-performance analysis workstations.
- Accommodating many sample types, spatiotemporal resolution and throughput
- Flexible panel design for widefield, confocal and super-resolution applications
- Guidance on panel design, machine choice and process optimisation
- Emphasis on data quality and compatability
- Access to custom AI workflow development and access to the University’s HPC centre
- Image analysis expertise and remote image analysis service
- Cell sorting into various plates and supports
- Sorting based on various fluorescence and geometric scattering
- Biosafety cabinet for sample protection
- Fundamental and advanced microscopy training to users of all levels
- Support from experimental design to data exploration and interpretation
- Comprehensive training and support in data management and storage
Microscopy Systems
Spinning disk confocal microscope (Zeiss Cell Observer)
- five laser lines (405, 488, 515, 561, and 640 nm)
- four objectives available (10x air, 25x water & glycerol & oil DIC, 40x oil DIC UV-VIS-IR, 63x oil DIC)
- full environmental control (CO2 , humidity and temperature)
Laser microdissection microscope (Zeiss PALM)
- high-power xenon light source
- CapMover II sample collector
- automated high precision stage
- dual camera system
- three objectives (5x air, 20x air PlasDIC, 40x air PlasDIC)
Inverted fluorescence microscope with confocal scanner (Nikon Eclipse Ti-E RCM)
- high-speed monochromator-based xenon arc light source
- customizable triple LED light source
- seven objectives available (2x air, 10x air, 20x air, 40x air, 40x oil, 60x oil, and 100x oil)
- full environmental control (CO2, humidity and temperature)
- RCM laser scanner with four laser lines (405, 488, 561, and 633 nm) and optical bypass
Selective plane illumination microscope (LCSB-SPIM)
- constructed in-house and under ongoing development
- four laser lines (405, 488, 561, and 633 nm)
- three objectives available (20x water, 25x water with ultra-long working distance, 40x water)
- high-precision 4D stage
Super-resolution microscope (Leica TCS SP8 STED 3X FALCON)
- supercontinuum white-light laser
- four spectrally adjustable detector channels (two multi-alkali PMTs and two highly sensitive HyDs)
- six objectives available (10x air, 20x water & glycerol & oil, 40x air, 63x oil, 93x STED glycerol, and 100x STED oil)
- full environmental control (CO2, humidity and temperature)
Flow Cytometers
Fluorescence activated cell sorter (Becton Dickinson FACSAriaIII)
- four laser lines (405, 488, 561, and 633 nm)
- 4-way aseptic sorting, automatic cell deposition unit allowing to sort into microwell plates and arbitrary supports
- HEPA filter for aerosol control
- the ability to analyse and sort based on up to 15 parameters simultaneously (13 fluorescence, 2 geometric scatter)
Cell analyser (Becton Dickinson LSRFortessa)
- four laser lines (405, 488, 561, and 640 nm)
- a high-throughput sampling unit for 96- and 384-well plates
- the ability to analyse up to 15 parameters simultaneously (13 fluorescence, 2 geometric scatter)
Fluorescence activated cell sorter (Becton Dickinson FACSMelody)
- three laser lines (405, 488, and 561 nm)
- 4-way aseptic sorting, automatic cell deposition unit allowing to sort into microwell plates and arbitrary supports
- biosafety cabinet for sample protection and aerosol control
- ability to sort based on up to 10 parameters simultaneously (8 fluorescence, 2 geometric scatter)
For any inquiries or questions regarding our state-of-the-art instrument park, serivces, training or prices, we invite you to contact us via email or phone.