Success Stories

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Over the years our Institutional team has partnered our clients in their investment journey to help them pinpoint the challenges they face in achieving their investment goals. Our portfolio managers have worked to deliver solutions to meet these challenges. We have done this by putting clients at the heart of what we do. Our clients include Sovereign Wealth Funds, Insurance firms, Government-related entities, Endowments and Foundations, Corporates and Exchange-listed Entities, as well as Charities, Societies and Non-profit organisations.

Here are some case studies of how we have successfully enabled our clients to achieve their goals. We detail the challenges they faced and the solutions we tailored for them.

Case Study 1: Government-related Client


Our Client’s Challenge
A large Singapore government-related entity required investment advice to better manage their excess capital.

Our Solution
We designed and implemented an investment portfolio strategy that delivered consistent absolute returns through the market cycles. This enabled the client to have certainty of cash flow and greater latitude in forecasting and making long-term strategic decisions. The balanced strategy employed Value-at-Risk (VaR) control and risk budgeting, which enabled the portfolio to withstand market volatility and uncertainty.

Case Study 2: Endowment/Foundation Client

Our Client’s Challenge
A large Singapore educational institution wished to incorporate an endowment fund. The ultimate beneficiaries of this fund were the institution’s students, through scholarships and financial assistance programmes.

Our Solution
We worked closely with the client to provide a holistic investment framework rooted in active risk management. Given the mandate of the portfolio, we viewed that consistent risk-adjusted return was a more pertinent objective for our client. Leveraging on our multi-asset team’s investment expertise, we delivered superior risk-adjusted returns and low volatility which enabled the client to continue providing for its students.

Case Study 3: Corporate/Exchange-listed Client

Our Client’s Challenge
We have seen a rise in corporate and listed-entities keen to initiate investment portfolios to enhance the returns from their business operations. Our client, a large Singapore-listed corporation sought a Principal Guaranteed portfolio to ensure the certainty of their future cash flows, while hoping to profit from market upside.

Our Solution
We provided advice and expertise to our client in taking their first steps at investing. We approached this mandate through a balanced solution. By investing in Investment Grade Fixed Income securities and Global Equities, within a risk-controlled investment framework, our active management enabled the client to achieve their return goals.

Case Study 4: Charity/Society/Non-profit organisation Client

Our Client’s Challenge
A Singapore non-profit organisation wanted to ensure that its assets kept pace with inflation so that it was able to continue providing for its beneficiaries. The client had a low risk appetite and conservative outlook.

Our Solution
Bearing in mind that our client required an added layer of scrutiny in its investments, we recommended a low risk and low volatility solution to reduce the risk of drawdowns. The client has since been invested in one of our stellar fixed income funds for more than half a decade. The steady and consistent performance of the fund has allowed them to plan and fulfil their engagements locally and overseas.

Case Study 5: E-Wallet Cash Management Solution

Our Client’s Challenge
As apps rapidly grow and evolve, our client, a regional super app, wanted to incorporate an auto-investing feature into their e-wallet service. The client sought UOBAM's investment expertise to invest these e-wallet funds for their users.

Our Solution
We supported our client by suggesting two suitable investment solutions from UOBAM's award-winning suite of funds. In line with the requirement for the solutions to be conservative and liquid, we proposed our United SGD Money Market Fund and United SGD Fund to our client. Our collaboration enabled our client to successfully roll out their new initiative before their competitors and help users make their cash work harder for them.