• Smart Aspire TakafulSmart Aspire Takaful

    Smart Aspire Takaful (This is a takaful product)

    Fulfil your aspiration to achieve your life goals


All of us have life goals we would like to achieve at different stages of our life. From taking that holiday you have been longing for, to buying your dream home or even setting aside money for your loved ones to secure a better future for them. These aspirations keep us motivated in life.

With Smart Aspire Takaful, we help you to fulfil your aspiration to achieve your life goals.


Smart Aspire Takaful is a limited contribution term family takaful plan that provides Annual Cash Payout from end of first
certificate year until the maturity of the certificate.

In addition, this plan pays a Maturity Benefit and provides protection against death and Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) during the benefit term.

Annual Payouts
Secure for your aspirations
Protection in the event of misfortune
Investment-linked fund options for potential upside
Reward for your loyalty
Easy to apply1

1Guaranteed Issuance Offer (GIO) for Basic Sum Covered up to RM300,000 (per life basis). Applicable to a basic plan without attachment of rider(s) (except for Takaful Saver Rider).

Benefits Table

Contribution term
  • 5 years
  • 10 years
Benefit term
  • 15 years
  • 20 years
Annual Cash Payout (ACP) Receive ACP from the end of 1st certificate year until maturity of certificate, as follows:
End of certificate year Percentage of Basic Sum Covered (%)
1st - 10th Year 4%
11th - maturity 8%
You have the option to accumulate the ACP in your Investment Unit Account (IUA) or receive them when they become payable.
Loyalty Booster At the end of every 5th certificate year, a Loyalty Booster will be payable on top of your ACP. The Loyalty Booster amount will be equivalent to the ACP of that particular year.

End of certificate year Percentage of Basic Sum Covered (%)
5 4%
10 4%
15 8%
(applicable for benefit term of 20 years only)

You have the option to accumulate the Loyalty Booster in your IUA or receive them when they become payable.

Death and Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) Benefit In the event of death or TPD1 during the benefit term, PruBSN will pay the higher of:
  1. Amount stated in Death Benefit Schedule2 at time of claim minus any unpaid contributions; OR
  2. Any amount in MaxiShield Account (MSA) plus value of units in IUA (if any) at the valuation date after the date of death or TPD notification.
1TPD coverage is up to the certificate anniversary date of age 70 or expiry of certificate, whichever is earlier.
2For first 2 certificate years: [105% of total basic contribution paid – total ACP]; From 3rd certificate year and onwards: Basic Sum Covered or [105% of total basic contribution paid – total payouts (ACP + Loyalty Booster)] whichever is higher.
Maturity Benefit Upon maturity, PruBSN will pay the higher of the following:
  1. 100% of Basic Sum Covered, or
  2. Any amount left in MSA plus value of units in IUA (if any) at the valuation date after the date of maturity.
Maturity Benefit is only payable provided you have paid all your contributions in full within the contribution grace period. Otherwise, only amounts in MSA and value of units in IUA (if any) at the valuation date after the date of maturity will be payable at maturity of certificate.
Change of Covered Person
(Applicable to certificate owned by business organisation only)
You may change the covered person during the benefit term, subject to the following terms and conditions:
  • New covered person will be subjected to underwriting; and
  • One-off MSA top-up (100% allocation) may be required; and
  • Changes are allowed only after completion of 3 certificate years from the date of certificate, date of revival or effective date of last Change of Covered Person, whichever is later; and
  • Up to 3 changes are allowed per certificate; and
  • Admin fee of RM100 will be collected for every change.
Please refer to certificate document for the full terms and conditions.
MaxiShield Account (MSA)

The account where the allocated contributions from the basic plan and riders (if attached) are placed for potential investment gains.

PruBSN will pay your portion of the distributable surplus3 into this account.

3You are entitled to receive any distributable surplus from the Tabarru` Fund inclusive of investment profit (if any). Together with other participants, you are entitled to 50% of the surplus and PruBSN will receive the balance of 50% as performance fee for managing the Tabarru` Fund. Your portion of the distributable surplus will be placed back into your MSA. The exact amount of distributable surplus will be determined annually and is subject to approval by both the Shariah Committee and the Board of Directors of PruBSN.

Investment Unit Account (IUA)
(Only available when Takaful Saver Rider is attached or accumulation option is chosen)
IUA is created when you attach Takaful Saver Rider to your basic plan. If you opt to accumulate ACP and Loyalty Booster, the amount will go into your IUA as well.

You will be able to select which funds to invest into for contributions allocated into your IUA.

The return in IUA will be based on actual performance of the fund and it is not guaranteed. You may get less than what was invested into the fund.
Optional Riders Choose from optional riders below to customise your protection.

Contributor Your coverage will continue in the event of death (if applicable), TPD or critical illness of yourself or your covered family members when these riders are attached to your base plan:
  • Contributor Protect
  • Contributor Parent Protect
  • Contributor Spouse Protect
  • Contributor Saver
If more than one Contributor rider is triggered in a single event, 100% of the excess after paying for certificate contribution will be allocated into your IUA.
Takaful Saver Rider Increase your cash value with potential upside returns when you attach Takaful Saver Rider. Your contribution will be allocated in IUA in which you will be able to choose which fund to invest into. For more details on the fund profiles and past performance, you may refer to
Term Protector Provides additional coverage on death and Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) on the covered person’s life. Minimum coverage amount of RM300,000 applies.


Investment Opportunity

With Smart Aspire Takaful, you have the option to invest in a range of Takafulink funds for potential investment gains from Investment Unit Account (IUA), when you attach Takaful Saver Rider or accumulate ACP and Loyalty Booster in IUA.

Takafulink funds

Takafulink Dana Sukuk
Takafulink Dana Sukuk aims to provide medium-to-long term accumulation of capital by investing in selected sukuk and Islamic money market instruments.

Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Dinasti
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Dinasti aims to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing in Shariah-compliant investments with exposure to the Greater China region.

Takafulink Dana Urus
Takafulink Dana Urus seeks to maximise returns over medium-to-long term by investing in Shariah-compliant equities, sukuk and Islamic money market instruments through Takafulink Dana Ekuiti dan Takafulink Dana Bon, and in any other such Takafulink Funds that may become available in the future.

Takafulink Dana Dinamik
The Takafulink Dana Dinamik aims to provide capital appreciation by actively investing in Shariah-compliant equities and Shariah-compliant equity-related securities. For defensive considerations, The Fund may invest in Islamic debentures and Islamic money market instruments.

Takafulink Dana Ekuiti
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti aims to maximise returns over the medium-to-long term by investing in high quality Shariah-compliant securities listed on Bursa Malaysia.

Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Global
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Global aims to provide capital appreciation by investing in Shariah-compliant investments with exposure to the global equity markets.



Age of Entry: Age 1 to 65 next birthday


Visit any UOB Malaysia Branch nearest to you.


Underwritten by:

Smart Aspire Takaful is premised on a mutual assistance (Ta`awun) arrangement where a portion of your contribution is deducted and pooled into the Tabarru` Fund together with the contribution of other participants to provide for mutual financial benefits payable to all the eligible takaful participants.

This is for your general information only. You are advised to visit any of our branches and ask for a copy of Product Brochure, Product Disclosure Sheet, Product Illustration, and Fund Fact Sheet(s) for further information before participating in a plan, and to refer to the terms and conditions in the certificate document for details of the features and benefits under the certificate.

The contributions that you pay contribute to both the savings and protection elements of the product, e.g. death benefits. If you are looking for financial products with savings element, you may wish to compare annualised returns of this takaful certificate with the effective returns of other investment alternatives.

Participating in a family takaful plan is a long-term financial commitment. It is not advisable to hold this certificate for a short period of time in view of the high initial costs. You must ensure that you are satisfied that this product will best serve your needs and that the contribution payable under the certificate is an amount you can afford. To achieve this, we recommend that you speak to your UOB Malaysia Representative who will perform a needs analysis and assist you in making an informed decision. You may also contact PruBSN directly for more information.

This plan is underwritten by Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad (“PruBSN”) 200601020898 (740651-H). All claims and liabilities arising from the certificate should be made with the company.

PruBSN is a registered Takaful Operator licensed under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 and is regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia. PruBSN Berhad is responsible for the products and benefits offered by them, as well as any representation made in any of their marketing materials including United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Berhad’s marketing material for the products offered by PruBSN.

Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad (PruBSN) is a member of Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM). As a member of PIDM, some of the benefits covered under the Takaful certificates offered by PruBSN are protected against loss of part or all of the Takaful benefits by PIDM, in the unlikely event of a Takaful operator member failure. For further details of the protection limits and the scope of coverage, please obtain a PIDM information brochure from PruBSN or visit the PIDM website ( or call the PIDM toll-free line (1-800-88-1266).