Underwritten by:

Smart Aspire Takaful is premised on a mutual assistance (Ta`awun) arrangement where a portion of your contribution is deducted and pooled into the Tabarru` Fund together with the contribution of other participants to provide for mutual financial benefits payable to all the eligible takaful participants.
This is for your general information only. You are advised to visit any of our branches and ask for a copy of Product Brochure, Product Disclosure Sheet, Product Illustration, and Fund Fact Sheet(s) for further information before participating in a plan, and to refer to the terms and conditions in the certificate document for details of the features and benefits under the certificate.
The contributions that you pay contribute to both the savings and protection elements of the product, e.g. death benefits. If you are looking for financial products with savings element, you may wish to compare annualised returns of this takaful certificate with the effective returns of other investment alternatives.
Participating in a family takaful plan is a long-term financial commitment. It is not advisable to hold this certificate for a short period of time in view of the high initial costs. You must ensure that you are satisfied that this product will best serve your needs and that the contribution payable under the certificate is an amount you can afford. To achieve this, we recommend that you speak to your UOB Malaysia Representative who will perform a needs analysis and assist you in making an informed decision. You may also contact PruBSN directly for more information.
This plan is underwritten by Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad (“PruBSN”) 200601020898 (740651-H). All claims and liabilities arising from the certificate should be made with the company.
PruBSN is a registered Takaful Operator licensed under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 and is regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia. PruBSN Berhad is responsible for the products and benefits offered by them, as well as any representation made in any of their marketing materials including United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Berhad’s marketing material for the products offered by PruBSN.
Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad (PruBSN) is a member of Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM). As a member of PIDM, some of the benefits covered under the Takaful certificates offered by PruBSN are protected against loss of part or all of the Takaful benefits by PIDM, in the unlikely event of a Takaful operator member failure. For further details of the protection limits and the scope of coverage, please obtain a PIDM information brochure from PruBSN or visit the PIDM website (www.pidm.gov.my) or call the PIDM toll-free line (1-800-88-1266).