View and redeem your rewards on the UOB TMRW app. Enjoy exclusive deals and UOB coupons in the palm of your hand.
Find out moreyou are in Personal Banking
Get up to 6% p.a.* interest when you save and transact with UOB One Account every month.
Whether you save, spend with UOB cards or pay bills, you still earn bonus interest! We keep it flexible so that you can achieve your goals easily.
Monitor your inflows and outflows easily to keep track of your expenses and payments.No more missed payment or important transfers with friendly reminders and alerts.
Track your progress towards earning bonus interest monthly with the UOB TMRW app.
Deposit a minimum of RM2,000 via Interbank Giro/ DuitNow/ Instant Transfer every month.
Have a combined minimum spending of RM500 with any of your eligible UOB Debit or Credit Cards every month.
Terms and conditions apply.
Salary crediting into UOB One Account via UOB Infinity.
^Maximum Effective Interest Rate on the UOB One Account is 4.00% p.a. from RM100,000 to RM200,000 deposit balance, provided customer completes any of the 2 actions per month.
Maximum Effective Interest Rate of 3.78% p.a. for balance tier above RM200,000 is calculated based on RM225,000 deposit, provided customer completes any of the 2 actions per month.
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If you do not meet the above requirements, please click HERE to leave your contact details. Our representative will contact you.
Open a UOB One Account and enjoy up to RM100 cash reward plus up to 6% p.a.* interest to kick start your financial goals.
Campaign period : From now until 28 February 2025.
*Terms and conditions apply
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