Principles of communications policy

Transmission tower
© Roland Fischer

A stable, sophisticated communications infrastructure is essential in the age of digitalisation. With its direct democracy, Switzerland is also dependent on a strong and diverse media sector. The Confederation's communications policy is guided by these needs.

The federal government's communications and media policy is enshrined in the Constitution. The Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) plays a central coordinating role in its implementation.


Digitalisation has led to profound shifts in the media landscape. Print and broadcast media are competing with online portals and social media for the public's attention. Declining advertising revenues are putting established business models under pressure.

At the same time, Swiss democracy depends on an informed population and a lively culture of debate, to which the media makes a vital contribution. It provides the population with information, contributes to the formation of opinion and fulfils a watchdog role.

OFCOM creates the conditions for an identity-creating public service in the digital media sector and the basis for modern media promotion.

Telecommunications and postal services

The population and the economy must have secure, modern communications infrastructures and be able to use a wide range of inexpensive and competitive telecommunications and postal services. This requires an appropriate regulatory environment. OFCOM creates the conditions for effective competition between providers and defines the universal services offerings so that all sections of the population have access to high-speed internet, emergency calls and postal services.

As frequencies are scarce, OFCOM has to coordinate their use. It also manages and distributes addressing resources such as telephone numbers and short numbers. It ensures that telecommunications equipment and electrical installations comply with legal requirements and do not cause interference. If there is still interference with radio communication, OFCOM investigates the cause of the problem.


General Secretariat
Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC

Federal Palace North
CH-3003 Bern

+41 58 462 55 11

Further contacts

Print contact