Welcome to the Veterans Self-Check Quiz!
Welcome to the Veterans Self-Check Quiz!
The Department of Veterans Affairs and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline have joined with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to create the Veterans Self-Check Quiz. This is a safe, easy way to learn whether stress and depression might be affecting you.
Using this service is completely voluntary and confidential.
You must be at least 18 years old to complete the Self-Check Quiz.
To continue with the Self-Check Quiz, please follow the 3 easy steps below
- Fill out a brief Self-Check Quiz, which takes about 10 minutes.
- A VA Chat Responder will review it and leave a personal response for you on this secure website. The Responder's note will offer options for follow-up if it's felt that could be helpful.
- You decide what's next. You may enter the online Veterans Chat and continue talking with a Responder with or without identifying yourself. You may want to get a referral to see someone in person. Or, you can decide to do nothing at this time. It's all up to you. No follow-up services will be provided unless you request them.
Protecting your privacy
You will not be asked to provide your name or any other information that identifies you.
You will be automatically assigned a unique identifying number called a "Reference Code" which will appear on the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Your Reference Code will also be provided on a page that you will see immediately after you submit the Self-Check Quiz. You will need to make a note of your Reference Code, because you'll need it to get the Responder's note to your Quiz.
Need Immediate Help?
Call a Chat Responder at 988 (press 1).