America - Front
America - Back
01/01/84 Atari
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Condition red! Terrorist have seized a silo complex and aimed the missiles at Washington, D.C. Blast the silos and save the country before the launch sequence timer runs out. Fail and your only hope is to guess the fail-safe code that disarms the missiles in the seconds before impact.
*Atari - back of box
Boxart Added | NintendoMonopoly | 20th Feb 2009 |
Game Summary added to Database | TalonMan | 25th Jun 2008 |
Release Date Added to Database | nordlead | 05th Jun 2008 |
Screenshots Added | nordlead | 05th Jun 2008 |
Box Art Added | nordlead | 05th Jun 2008 |
Game Added to Database | nordlead | 05th Jun 2008 |