World Environment Day 2024 - Customs' Vigilance is key in Protecting Earth's Ecosystems

05 June 2024

The World Customs Organization (WCO) commemorates World Environment Day on 5 June 2024 by emphasizing the critical role Customs plays in environmental conservation.

Joining the United Nations’ call for action under the theme “Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience,” the WCO recognizes, and reminds its Members of, the need to prioritize pressing environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and illicit trade in flora and fauna.

From combating wildlife trafficking to intercepting illegal shipments of hazardous substances, Customs stands at the forefront in the fight against environmental crimes through enforcing Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), including the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the Montreal Protocol on ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are potent greenhouse gases contributing to climate change.

Effective enforcement of MEAs requires that Customs administrations understand the terms of the agreements and have the legal and technical capacity to enforce them. Customs should also make efficient use of risk management techniques, while taking advantage of national, regional, and global information networks. These networks facilitate the dissemination of information, risk data, and intelligence.

WCO Secretary General Ian Saunders emphasized the importance of Customs to environmental protection. “It is imperative for Customs administrations to transform their commitments to combating environmental risks and crimes into tangible actions. At borders, Customs administrations must strategically recognize and operationally address these critical issues. The WCO Secretariat remains available to support those administrations wishing to strengthen their enforcement capacities in this domain”. He added, “Through vigilance and collaborative efforts, Customs can significantly contribute to safeguarding Earth’s ecosystems and promoting sustainable development.”

To understand the provisions of international agreements, the procedures they establish and the documentation they require, Customs has at its disposal an array of training materials developed by the WCO and its international partners, including the various Secretariats of the MEAs. In addition, several non-governmental organizations make valuable contributions to international enforcement initiatives.

A number of enforcement operations have been organized, such as Operation DEMETER, which focuses on combating the illegal shipments of hazardous waste, ozone depleting substances, and hydrofluorocarbons, and Operation THUNDER, which tackles the trafficking of protected species of fauna, flora, and timber. These operations provide Customs and its environmental protection and law enforcement partners with a unique opportunity to assess, improve, and coordinate their approaches to fighting environmental crimes.

The Customs community and its partners have accomplished a great deal to combat environmental crime and protect natural heritage. The WCO is committed to keeping environmental crime on its working agenda, which will continue to be an integral part of its practical enforcement efforts in the future.


  • A single seizure of 2,380 kg of HFCs following routine check during Operation DEMETER IX (Photo: Courtesy of Bulgaria Customs)

    A single seizure of 2,380 kg of HFCs following routine check during Operation DEMETER IX (Photo: Courtesy of Bulgaria Customs)

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  • Nearly 10 tonnes of rare protected wood was found hidden in a shipping container from the Middle East on its way to mainland China via Hong Kong, China (Photo: Courtesy of Hong Kong, China Customs)

    Nearly 10 tonnes of rare protected wood was found hidden in a shipping container from the Middle East on its way to mainland China via Hong Kong, China (Photo: Courtesy of Hong Kong, China Customs)

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  • Seizure of 13 tonnes of teak by Myanmar Customs (Photo: Courtesy of Myanmar Customs)

    Seizure of 13 tonnes of teak by Myanmar Customs (Photo: Courtesy of Myanmar Customs)

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  • 5.3 tonnes of teak seized by Myanmar Customs concealed in land freight (Photo: Courtesy of Myanmar Customs)

    5.3 tonnes of teak seized by Myanmar Customs concealed in land freight (Photo: Courtesy of Myanmar Customs)

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  • 196 bags with 7,137 kg of pangolin scales, 870 kg of elephant Ivory and 4.6kg of pangolin claws seized by Nigeria Customs Service (Photo: Courtesy of Nigeria Customs)

    196 bags with 7,137 kg of pangolin scales, 870 kg of elephant Ivory and 4.6kg of pangolin claws seized by Nigeria Customs Service (Photo: Courtesy of Nigeria Customs)

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  • 196 bags with 7,137 kg of pangolin scales, 870 kg of elephant Ivory and 4.6kg of pangolin claws seized by Nigeria Customs Service (Photo: Courtesy of Nigeria Customs)

    196 bags with 7,137 kg of pangolin scales, 870 kg of elephant Ivory and 4.6kg of pangolin claws seized by Nigeria Customs Service (Photo: Courtesy of Nigeria Customs)

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  • Interception of illegal shipment of 12,198 kg of R-410A following documentary check during Operation DEMETER VI (Photos: Courtesy of Poland Customs)

    Interception of illegal shipment of 12,198 kg of R-410A following documentary check during Operation DEMETER VI (Photos: Courtesy of Poland Customs)

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  • Interception of illegal shipment of 12,198 kg of R-410A following documentary check during Operation DEMETER VI (Photos: Courtesy of Poland Customs)

    Interception of illegal shipment of 12,198 kg of R-410A following documentary check during Operation DEMETER VI (Photos: Courtesy of Poland Customs)

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  • Seizure at the airport by Portuguese Customs of carved timber concealed in baggage originated from Angola (Photo: Courtesy of Portugal Customs)

    Seizure at the airport by Portuguese Customs of carved timber concealed in baggage originated from Angola (Photo: Courtesy of Portugal Customs)

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  • The U.S. representing a lucrative market for illegal suppliers, preventing illegal shipments from entering the country cuts off a major revenue stream for transnational criminal organizations (Photo: Courtesy of U. S. CBP)

    The U.S. representing a lucrative market for illegal suppliers, preventing illegal shipments from entering the country cuts off a major revenue stream for transnational criminal organizations (Photo: Courtesy of U. S. CBP)

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  • Seizure by Vietnam Customs of ivory concealed in a container of cow horns (Photo: Courtesy of Vietnam Customs)

    Seizure by Vietnam Customs of ivory concealed in a container of cow horns (Photo: Courtesy of Vietnam Customs)

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