29 August 2013
Significant progress has been made since the adoption of the WCO Capacity Building Strategy in 2003. However, new and emerging key strategic drivers impact on international trade and the roles and responsibilities of Customs administrations. This requires that all our capacity building efforts remain responsive and needs-driven to ensure beneficiary Customs administrations can obtain the support they need to pursue their reform and modernization.
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Latest Updates
29 August 2013
Latest Updates
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ODP Action Plan
29 August 2013
The OD Action Plan will prepared at the 5th Session of the Capacity Building Committee and indicate deadlines where appropriate as well as identifying those responsible for the specific actions.
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Schedule of Prime Texts, Tools and Instruments
29 August 2013
This Package outlines the basic approach of the WCO towards organizational development. It provides a simple and accessible overview of the texts, tools and instruments that relate to this topic. It refers and offers access to these resources but does not purport to capture all knowledge and practices within this extensive area.
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