WiFi Monitoring Tool

Eliminate dead zones and optimize coverage with advanced wireless network monitoring software. Get real-time alerts, performance information and proactive problem resolution to keep your network running smoothly.

Wireless Overlays

Monitor WiFi Network Performance

WhatsUp Gold software allows you to monitor and manage your wireless network performance historically and in real-time, track wireless access points (AP) and client history and alerts you to problems with wireless equipment.

Discover, map and manage wireless devices across your network

Investigate unusual client bandwidth consumption

Get real-time alerts when CPU and bandwidth thresholds are exceeded

Keep your network secure and get notified of rogue wireless access points

Real-time WiFi Monitoring

WhatsUp Gold keeps you in control of your wireless network with real-time maps of who is connected to your network and where. You have the ability to manage and exclude wireless devices identified as possible rogues.

Real-time WiFi Network Monitoring Software WhatsUp Gold Wireless Network Map Overlay

Historical Reports and Dashboards

Performance data is stored historically so you can go back to a specific point in time to troubleshoot a problem. View performance over time to optimize your wireless network configuration by using client signal strength to determine where you need more wireless APs, if a wall may be limiting an AP’s range or if equipment is functioning properly.

Historical WiFi Usage Reports and Dashboards Wireless Infrastructure Dashboard

Wireless Alert Center

All wireless network monitoring alerts are integrated into WhatsUp Gold’s Alert Center. You have one location to set up thresholds, configure notification policies and monitor events across your entire IT infrastructure. Within Alert Center, you have a number of user-configurable alert thresholds for wireless devices such as Access Point Over Subscription, Banned Client MAC Addresses, and more.

WiFi Network Monitor Alert Center Wireless Rogues Alert Center Dashboard

Monitor WiFi Networks with WhatsUp Gold

WhatsUp Gold can tell you who’s on your wireless network, where they are connected and how much bandwidth they’re using. Whether you need better visibility into the traffic on your network, want to police high-bandwidth users or are interested in monitoring for suspicious activities on your network, WhatsUp Gold can help. 

Monitor WiFi Performance

Monitoring wireless performance is more complex than wired networks. The range of wireless access points (APs) can be affected by a number of issues, including building materials. As more users connect to a wireless access point and it is oversubscribed, performance begins to degrade. And as APs age, their performance begins to decline.

Eliminate Bandwidth Hogs

Once a wireless user connects to an access point, they use bandwidth and resources on your core network. More wireless clients, with all of the email sync-ups and Facebook updates, begin to saturate resources and clog Internet connections. Understanding wireless network usage is important for capacity planning of your wired infrastructure.

Detect rogue devices

WiFi networks are particularly vulnerable to security issues, such as those introduced by rogue devices. A common problem is an employee plugging their own AP into your network. The rogue access point bypasses your wireless security policies, possibly without encryption or requiring a password. Someone with malicious intent could put an AP within range of your office, hoping a wireless client inadvertently connects with it so they might get a password or access sensitive data.

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Complete the Form to Monitor Your WiFi Network Seamlessly of WhatsUp Gold.

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