Storage for Campus Housing
Wheaton provides students with the option of summer storage.
Depending on your current housing location, please reference the following storage and closing guidelines:
As you prepare for your time away from campus, we want you to be aware that long-term storage is available for you to use. Please do not store your belongings in your current housing location but instead follow the instructions below.
Please note:
- NO furniture may be stored.
- All items must be placed on the plastic pallets located in the storage room.
- You may store a maximum of 4 boxes.
- All boxes must be clearly marked with your name and mailing address. In the event that you do not return to Wheaton, we need to be able to mail items.
- You must you use plastic containers or secure in waterproof packing for all of your items. This will help protect your belongings against possible water damage.
- You may store bikes in the Michigan basement on one of the bike racks. Please label the bike with your name, home address and fall 2024, indicating the semester you will be away.
- HNGR STUDENTS – please contact the HNGR office with specific questions.
STORE AT YOUR OWN RISK: The College is not responsible for loss or damage of any items.
You will not be able to get things out of storage until housing opens in January 2025. Access this week will be during specific dates and times. If you have items that you will need prior to the start of school in January, do not store them here!
Please feel free to contact the Residence Life Office at 630-752-5427 or with any questions.
Driving Directions
Walking Directions
Location Inside Michigan Apts