Second Annual meeting of South-East Asia Regulatory Network (‎SEARN)‎

Colombo, Sri Lanka, 21–23 March 2018


The Second Annual meeting of South-East Asia Regulatory Network (henceforth 2nd SEARN), is a follow up of the First Annual Meeting of SEARN which took place in New Delhi, India during 11-12 April 2017. In the First Annual Meeting, all medical product regulatory agencies of the South-East Region decided to meet at least once annually. 

It was agreed that WHO-SEARO would provide initial secretariat assistance. The 2nd SEARN was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 21 to 23 March 2018. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Asita de Silva, Chairman of the National Medicine Regulatory Authority of Sri Lanka. It was attended by 61 participants and technical experts from the Member States of the Region, WHO-HQ, Geneva and other organizations such as Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI) and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).


WHO Team
Health Information System, Health Systems, SEARO Regional Office for the South East Asia (RGO), WHO South-East Asia
World Health Organization. Regional Office for South-East Asia
Number of pages
Reference numbers
WHO Reference Number: SEA-HSD-395