WHO in the Western Pacific urges decisive action to end TB
WHO calls for investment in health-care infection and prevention control
Drowning deaths decline in the Western Pacific, but urgent action is still needed
Five ways health-care workers can support women’s mental health during pregnancy
Enhancing public health together: Mission to Perak, Malaysia
1 in 5 Cambodian adults are at risk of stroke as noncommunicable disease risks increase
Marshall Islands applies WHO’s Strategic Toolkit for Assessing Risk (STAR) for the first time in the North Pacific
Building a safer food future: Papua New Guinea and WHO unite multisectoral stakeholders to enhance food safety and public health
The Solomon Islands fortifies food safety procedures in partnership with WHO
WHO supports Kiribati to employ a One Health approach to advancing food safety
Village leaders support a stronger health care network in Davao Region
Mobilizing support for immunization: Why is it still so hard to save lives?
UHC—The critical platform towards a healthier and safer future in 2030 and beyond
Hope for immediate collaboration and action to tackle climate change in the Pacific islands
Opening remarks at the Roundtable on Accelerating SDG 3 at the 12th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Develoment
Remarks on universal health coverage at the 156th session of the WHO Executive Board
Opening Remarks at the World Conference on Traditional Medicine 2024
World Health Day 2025