Report explicit content published without my consent

You may encounter sexually explicit materials online, including erotic and pornographic photos or videos that display nudity, sexual acts, and more. Such materials may be fake, created using technologies like deepfake and others. Explicit photos and videos published without the knowledge or consent of the people depicted can harm the participants and violate their right to privacy.

We respect your rights and can help remove links to explicit materials from search results if the photos or videos involve you. To do this, we need to ensure that:
  • The explicit photo or video depicts you.
  • The public availability of the photos or videos may violate your rights and interests.
  • The materials were published without your permission.

We will remove links to information from search results if the search query contains the requester's first and last name.

We will only remove links for information that has already been established as illegal. Yandex does not determine whether the information is illegal. We recommend contacting the government agencies tasked with protecting your rights and interests.

If information has been removed from the source website but still appears in the search results, you can report this via the Information is removed but still appears in search results form.


All requests are reviewed by support in accordance with the reports procedure.

Fill out the form below to report explicit content published without your consent: