Dark theme

Search page elements are displayed on a light or dark background depending on the theme selected in the browser settings. You can change the Yandex Search theme.

The Yandex Search theme settings for the desktop and mobile versions don't affect each other and work separately.

On desktop

  1. On the search results page, click your profile picture (if you are logged in to Yandex) or Log in (if you aren't) in the upper-right corner.

  2. Click Appearance.

  3. Choose a mode:

    • Always light to display page elements on a light background.

    • Always dark to display page elements on a dark background.

    • System settings to make the theme automatically adjust to the browser theme. If your browser theme is set to “system” too, it will automatically adjust to your device's theme.

On mobile

  1. On a search results page, tap your profile picture (if you are logged in to Yandex) or (if you aren't) in the upper-right corner.

  2. Tap Appearance.

  3. Choose a mode:

    • System settings to make the theme automatically adjust to the browser theme. If your browser theme is set to “system” too, it will automatically adjust to your device's theme.
    • Always light to display page elements on a light background.
    • Always dark to display page elements on a dark background.

In the Yandex app

You can change the theme manually or using the voice assistant in the Yandex with Alice and Yandex Start apps for Android or the Yandex with Alice app for iOS.