Changing the site URL, mirrors

When you change a site's URL or main mirror, it usually takes about a month for changes to appear in the search results. If you followed the instructions when moving or separating sites, but the changes didn't appear in the search results, contact support.

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The main mirror of the site may change if a redirect or the rel="canonical" attribute pointing to the site that became the main mirror is set on the old site pages. To avoid automatic selection the main mirror in the future, make sure that all non-main mirror pages redirect to the corresponding pages of the desired main mirror.

This means that the robot selected the main site mirror automatically. Specify the correct website URL for the robot, following the recommendations in the Moving a website to a new domain name section.

Main reasons why the sites aren't grouped:

  • In the source code of the site that should become the main mirror contains the rel="canonical" attribute. Delete it and submit the request for moving again.
  • The site is unavailable or responds with a long delay.
  • The sites' content doesn't match. Check if the internal page URLs and headers match.
  • The site is moving to another domain zone without a redirect.
  • Site indexing is prohibited in the robots.txt file.
  • Violations of the Search rules are detected on the site. View the details on the Security and violations page in Yandex.Webmaster and fix the errors. After 2 weeks, check that the message about the violation disappears from Yandex.Webmaster, and re-send the request.
  • The request was sent from the site to move to.
  • Internal service error. Try sending the request later.