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Majority of Finland's hospitalised Covid patients unvaccinated, Yle probe finds

Over half of Finland's population has received at least one vaccine dose, while less than 14 percent are fully vaccinated.

Pfizer-rokotetta valmistava sairaanhoitajat Vantaan Energia Areena rokotuskeskuksessa. 26.5.2021.
Pfizer ja BioNThechin rokotteen sopivuutta ja sen tuomaa immuunivastetta tutkitaan nyt myös lapsilla. Image: Jorge Gonzalez / Yle
Yle News

The majority of patients being treated in Finnish hospitals for coronavirus have not been vaccinated against the virus, according to an informal survey carried out by Yle.

The investigation also found that people fully vaccinated against Covid-19 have required intensive care treatment for their infections in only very rare instances.

Some recipients of the first vaccine dose have required in-patient care, but these patients have not needed intensive care either.

Data provided to Yle by hospital districts across Finland indicate that the intake of patients who have received a single dose of the vaccine is smaller than those who have not been vaccinated at all. Based on the information, it would appear that the vaccine alleviates the symptoms caused by the coronavirus.

Although the number of hospital admissions is small, it can be deduced that two doses of the vaccine protect against Covid-19 in its more serious forms. According to Esa Rintala, chief physician for infectious diseases at Turku University Hospital, the increase in vaccination coverage is reflected in a reduction of the hospital staff’s workload caused by more serious forms of the virus.

Data regarding the time between vaccination and hospitalisation was only partially available.

Vaccination does not provide protection immediately but becomes effective a couple of weeks after the inoculation.