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Content from Sustainability

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A drawn image. Profiles of people in white. In the middle a tree, in the background a city skyline.
Image: Laura Rahinantti / Yle


The Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle) is sustainable and trustworthy

We offer daily content and services to a large proportion of Finns. We seek to increase understanding of one other and the world, strengthen Finnish society and culture and offer a multifaceted and multi-voiced perspective on Finland. We have a special role in maintaining basic trust within society and communicating reliable information to all Finns. The people’s Yle must continue to be worthy of trust – common to all and specific to each.

We comply with ethical principles in our own operations and require the same from our partners. We have in place a Code of Conduct that covers the whole company and a Ethical Guidelines for the Production of Programmes and Content that covers our editorial work. We also comply with the Guidelines for Journalists drawn up by the Council for Mass Media. 

We are committed to openness and transparency in all our activities. The activities are reported to the transparency register semi-annually.