Content from Yle's year 2022
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Yle's annual report 2022 (PDF)
In Yle's annual report for 2022 you can find more information about the company's economic state, Yle's meaning to the Finns and Yle's position in the media field.
For all of us, for each of us
- We reached 94% of Finns every week
- Three television channels, 19,238 hours of programming
- Six radio channels, 88,321 hours of programming
- Content in 13 languages
- 417 hours of content in sign language
- 147 hours of audio description
- 101 hours of news in plain Finnish and Swedish
- Yle tax EUR 0-163 / person
- Turnover EUR 511.8 million
- Expenses EUR 517.1 million
Finland's most trusted media outlet
- Presence in 32 localities in Finland
- 7 correspondents and 12 contributors around the world
- 2,915 Yle employees, experts in their fields
Finland's most used online services
- and the Yle application reach 925,000 Finns every day
- Contents on Yle Areena are accessed over five million times every day
- Yle's online and mobile services are used more than four million times every day
Promoter of the creative sector
- EUR 84.1 million to domestic broadcasting rights, music broadcasting fees and other broadcasting services
- We financed 14 feature films and 20 short Finnish films
- We employeed 4,031 freelancers in the sector