Card of document

Documents and files

Text of document, 16 kb is opened now Print version
Loss of force on April 1, 2011, on the basis - z0356-11
Versions of document (4 revisions)

History of document and versions

Date Event, on the basis Text version
June 27, 1997 Adoption
16; Order № 203
first version, 15 kb
July 30, 1997 State registration
January 21, 1998 Revision, on the basis - z0030-98 previous version, 15 kb
July 23, 1999 Revision, on the basis - z0500-99 previous version, 15 kb
April 1, 2011 Loss of force, on the basis - z0356-11
State: Invalid
current version, 16 kb is opened now

Publications of document

Офіційний вісник України official publication
  • on August 8, 1997
  • 1997, № 31, page 63, код акта 2341/1997

Classification of document

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