Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) (csv subset) – public procurement notices
A subset of Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) data covering public procurement for the European Union and beyond from 2006-01-01 to 2023-12-31 in comma separated value (CSV) format. This data includes the most important fields from the contract notice and contract award notice standard forms, such as who bought what from whom, for how much, and which procedure and award criteria were used.
Generally, the data consists of tenders above the procurement thresholds. However, publishing below threshold tenders in TED is considered good practice, and thus a non-negligible number of below threshold tenders is present as well.
Please see the documentation below for important information on the data and its usage, including a version history of the export.
The European Commission is interested in the results of research on public procurement coming from the re-use of this data. Thus, we will be grateful to receive links to any papers, reports, or applications at GROW-G4@ec.europa.eu.
TED with broader coverage is also available in XML format at https://data.europa.eu/euodp/en/data/dataset/ted-1.
On 14 November 2022, the format of notices published in TED changed: the Publications Office displays both the current standard forms and eForms and makes them available for reuse. If you reuse TED data, your systems must be ready to process both types of notices. To help adapt your systems, you can find resources, models and schemas in the eForms Software Development Kit on GitHub (https://github.com/OP-TED/eForms-SDK/https://github.com/OP-TED/eForms-SDK/). Documentation is available on the Ted Developers Documentation site (https://docs.ted.europa.eu/), including eForms FAQs (https://docs.ted.europa.eu/home/FAQ/eforms.html).
Oblasti Eurovoc
- TED - Contract award notices 2006 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2007 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2008 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2009 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2010 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2011 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2012 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2013 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2014 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2015 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2016 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2017 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2017-2021 (*deprecated version of the data: for reference only) CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2018 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2018-2022 (*deprecated version of the data: for reference only) CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2018-2023 ZIP
- TED - Contract award notices 2019 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2020 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2021 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2022 CSV
- TED - Contract award notices 2023 ZIP
- TED - Contract notices 2006 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2007 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2008 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2009 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2010 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2011 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2012 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2013 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2014 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2015 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2016 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2017 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2017 - 2021 (*deprecated version of the data: for reference only) CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2018 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2018-2022 (*deprecated version of the data: for reference only) CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2018-2023 ZIP
- TED - Contract notices 2019 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2020 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2021 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2022 CSV
- TED - Contract notices 2023 ZIP
- a) TED V2.2 – Contract award notice 2009-2015 (*deprecated version of the data: for reference only) CSV
- b) TED - Contract notices 2011-2020 (*deprecated version of the data: for reference only) CSV
- c) TED - Contract award notices 2011-2020 (*deprecated version of the data: for reference only) CSV
- d) TED V1 - Contract notices and contract award notices 2009-2015 (*deprecated version of the data: for reference only) CSV
- e) TED V2.2 – Contract notices 2009-2015 (*deprecated version of the data: for reference only) CSV
- Datum zveřejnění
- 2015-07-27
- Datum posledních úrav
- 2024-01-25
- Frekvence aktualizací
- roční
- Období OD
- 2006-01-01
- období DO
- 2023-12-31
- Geografický rozsah
- Malta, Nizozemsko, Norsko, Polsko, Litva, Lucembursko, Lotyšsko, Severní Makedonie, Portugalsko, Rumunsko, Belgie, Rakousko, Švýcarsko, Bulharsko, Česko, Kypr, Dánsko, Německo, Estonsko, Španělsko, Francie, Finsko, Řecko, Spojené království, Maďarsko, Chorvatsko, Island, Irsko, Lichtenštejnsko, Švédsko, Slovinsko, Slovensko, Itálie
- Verze
- 3.6
- Catalogue
- European Union Open Data Portal
Directorate-General (DG) for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs