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Vice President Kallas will take responsibility for the portfolio of Vice President Rehn


Jyrki Katainen takes up role in the Commission

Following his confirmation by the European Parliament on 16 July, Jyrki Katainen has now formally taken up his duties as European Commission Vice-President, responsible for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro. Read the introductory statement he delivered on 14 July to the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament.

Speech by Vice-President Olli Rehn at the meeting of the Eurogroup

Speech by Vice-President Olli Rehn at the meeting of the Eurogroup


"Since this is not only my last midsummer Eurogroup in Luxembourg, but also my last time representing the Commission here, I would like to thank Jeroen for his sound leadership of these meetings these past two years. It has been a pleasure to work with you. And the same goes for Christine and Klaus – thank you both for the good cooperation throughout these very challenging years"

Ecumenical bridge-building in Rome


After two frenetic days in Beijing, where together with the Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem I had a number of fruitful discussions with the Chinese authorities, on 16 January I began a short visit...

EU response to the economic and financial crisis

EU response to the economic and financial crisis

Country Specific Recommendations

Country Specific Recommendations

Deepening EMU

Deepening EMU