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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
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LIFE Programme

The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action.

Picture with enterpreneurs and technology or other taken from LIFE C2M projects’ handouts
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Projects and results

Prizes that recognise the most innovative, inspirational and effective LIFE projects in three categories: climate action, environment and nature protection.

Support provided by the LIFE Programme to European non-profit making entities through operating grants.


EUSEW is the biggest annual conference dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe and comprises a series of activities aimed to build a secure energy future.

The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings.

European initiative to support municipalities, local authorities and their groupings across Europe to develop investment concepts to accelerate investments in sustainable energy.

CINEA manages several initiatives (Concerted Actions, Consultation Forums) to support the implementation of EU energy policies.

Green Advisory Service for Sustainable Investments Support


Learn about what LIFE is and how it will help to build environment and climate action.

Links to legal documents and background information.

Data protection rules for the LIFE programme (2014-2020) and (2021-2028)

Contacts and national contact points

Sign up for our LIFE newsletters (LIFE Programme and Clean Energy) and browse previous editions
