Meetings of Commissioner with interest representatives

Export list of all meetings
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Date Location Interest representative(s) met Subject(s)
16/10/2019 Brussels Stripe, Inc.
Electronic payment systems
15/10/2019 Brussels European University Association (EUA)
European research, education and innovation policy
08/10/2019 Brussels Kofi Annan Foundation (KAF)
Protection of Democracy
09/09/2019 Brussels Index Ventures (UK) LLP

Digital Startups
17/07/2019 Strasbourg EuroCommerce
Digitalisation of the wholesale and retails sectors
17/07/2019 Strasbourg SES S.A. (SES)
Satellite connectivity in Africa
26/06/2019 Brussels News Corporation (News Corp)
25/06/2019 Brussels Union Internationale des Cinémas (UNIC)
UNIC Manifesto
06/06/2019 Paris Association relative à la télévision européenne (ARTE)
ARTE creative productions and financing
20/03/2019 Brussels Assemblée des Régions d'Europe (AER)
Digital Europe Programme
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