Quick Links: Donation Page | Cantonese
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This website is an ongoing project which has involved more hours of work
than I care to think about. Because of this, it is always appreciated
when I get mail from people asking how they can help.
Here are a few suggestions:
- Post to the Discussion Forum. If
the forum is active on this site it will encourage more people to
post. In this way we can build a friendly online community who can
help out with questions and provide motivation for learning. If
you already know some Chinese you may be able to help out with the
questions being asked. If you are learning then please post about
what you find confusing or difficult.
- Link to the site. If you run a website or know someone
that does, a link to this website would be really appreciated. It
will help more people find the site and also improve the rankings in
Internet search engines.
- Tell people about the site. If you have friends who speak
Chinese, who are teachers or are just interested in learning languages,
please give them the address of this website. Even better, if you
know any journalists it would be great if you could get them to provide
a short writeup in their publication. The best publicity I have
received so far (for another website I run, not this one) was a few
paragraphs in Entertainment Weekly and also a feature on a Page of the
Day calendar. It would be nice to see that kind of thing happening
with this site! Again, the more people that visit here the faster
it will grow.
- Help with the site's Online
Dictionary. If you know a bit of Chinese, can enter
Chinese in your web browser and can spare ten minutes a week then we
would love you to help add to our dictionary.
- Submit an article or product review. I would love to add more content to
the site, it just all takes time. If you felt like writing a
review, essay or article related to the Chinese language or culture I would be
glad to publish it.
- Make a cash donation - to contribute financially via PayPal or
other means please see the Donation Page.
- Buy books, DVDs gifts or Chinese Software. This site is now an affiliate of
a few companies that sell relevant products. If you click on one of the
products in the Review
Section and then make a purchase (it doesn't have to include the
product you clicked on) this site will receive a small percentage of your
transaction. Money received in this way is likely to be in fairly
small sums and I will probably use it to buy further books to review.
You can shop to help this site by clicking the logos below: I definitely
recommend visiting YesAsia!
- Sponsor the site! I host this website on a corporate
grade webserver which is not cheap. At the time of writing there
are over 2100 visitors per day and the site serves up about three
quarters of a million pages views a
month (and rising). As the site
grows busier my bandwidth costs will go up and the site will become more
expensive to run. If you or your organisation would consider
sponsoring the site it would be greatly appreciated. Obviously in exchange you
would receive a prominent "Kindly Sponsored by..." link.
- Advertise on the site. As noted, this website costs me a
significant amount of money to run. To cover some of my costs I
would be willing to consider advertising. This would be subject to
the type of product or service and would have to be reasonably
In return, your advert will receive a great deal of exposure to people
interested in the Chinese language and culture. At the time of
writing this site has been ranked for many months at position #1 on a
google search for "learn cantonese". Even more
impressive is that it is ranked #1 if
you search for just "cantonese". We also have
a Google Page Rank of 6 - this means that if we link to your website
it will aid your own position in both Yahoo and Google.
- Donate some free products! If you are the publisher of a
relevant product (publication, software etc), send in a copy and I will
review it. Even better, send in a few copies and I will give them
away as a competition prize!
- Send me a present!
you live in Hong Kong it would be great if you could send me some cool
Cantonese comics or bilingual books. My address is in the Contact
Section. Alternatively, I now have an Amazon.co.uk
Wishlist. Apparently you can use it to send me a gift and the
postage should only be UK to UK rates.
Thanks for taking the time to read this page!