Upcoming events

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  • The U.S. tax policy has profound implications for global economies, particularly Europe. As one of the world’s largest economies and key partners, shifts in U.S. tax regulations can significantly impact foreign direct investment, trade balances, corporate decision-making, and regulatory landscapes in Europe. For Europe, understanding and preparing for these shifts is essential to maintaining economic stability and fostering constructive US-EU relations.

    BusinessEurope and the European Economic and Social Committee invite you to a high-level seminar on the evolving global tax landscape and its impact on European competitiveness. With key insights from the EU Commission, experts in taxation, business, and policymakers, this event will explore the implications of the U.S. tax agenda and the EU’s tax policy developments for European businesses and economies.

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    On 11 February, the European Commission published its 2025 work programme. Several initiatives in the work programme – initiatives to enhance competitiveness through the promotion of reforms and investments, both private and public, the new the Savings and Investment Union, as well as the next Multiannual Financial Framework, just to name a few – fall in the remit of the Section for Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion (ECO) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). We organise this debate to discuss with representatives of the Commission and the members of the EESC the conditions and actions needed for the EU and its Member States to successfully implement what is outlined in the Commission and achieve the shared goals of the Union.

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    On 13-14 March 2025, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) will bring together nearly 100 young participants from youth organisations, national youth councils and secondary schools as well as 37 teachers from EU Member States, candidate countries and the UK for its annual Your Europe, Your Say! (YEYS) event. This year, YEYS will focus on the role of young people in collectively shaping a resilient future. It aims to equip them to engage in civic action and continue to contribute to participatory democracy activities in their communities and beyond.

  • The 7th meeting of the EU and the Canada Domestic Advisory Groups (DAGs), "DAG-to-DAG meeting", established under the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), will take place on 17 March 2025. The Members will discuss the joint priorities in preparation of the thematic debates of the Civil Society Forum and Trade and Sustainable Development Committee Meetings.

    A joint statement, prepared by both sides, will be discussed and adopted.

    The DAG members will also participate at the 2025 Canada-EU CETA Civil Society Forum, which will be open to civil society organisations from both sides.

  • Public hearing
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    Public hearing

    The EESC is organising this public hearing to discuss the framework of the own-initiative opinion on "Leaving the crises behind – Measures for a resilient, cohesive and inclusive European economy". 

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    In recent years, overlapping crises – from the lingering effects of the pandemic to the escalating challenges of climate change, increasing living costs, and widening income disparities – have created fertile ground for widespread polarisation. Social instability, economic downturns and widespread discontent, particularly among those who feel unheard and left behind, have further deepened societal divisions.

  • European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) Day 2025 will take place as part of the EESC’s second edition of Civil Society Week, held on 17-20 March, with a focus on the theme of Strengthening Cohesion and Participation in Polarised Societies.

  • Co-organising CSOs: ECAS, Volonteurope EESC section/members involved: CCMI, NAT and REX

    A partnership event during the Civil Society week.

  • On 20 March 2025, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and Montenegro will convene the 20th Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) in Podgorica. This platform, established between the EESC and Montenegrin civil society, provides a civil society perspective within the EU institutional framework related to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and Montenegro. The JCC enables civil society organisations from both sides to monitor Montenegro's accession negotiations, discuss common interests, and inform the public about the challenges during the accession period.