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Common Themes – Thematic Networks

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The Common Framework includes a list of 9 Common Themes that reflect the ESF's investment priorities and act as a guide to Transnational Cooperation.

The Common Themes pertain to the following areas:

  1. Employment
  2. Inclusion
  3. Youth Employment
  4. Learning & Skills
  5. Social Economy
  6. Governance and Public Administration
  7. Simplification
  8. Partnership
  9. Migration

For each Common Theme, a Thematic Network (TN) has been set up. The 9 Thematic Networks operate since the end of 2015 and meet around 3 times a year. They act as forums to bridge the gap between policy-makers and practitioners, bringing together Managing Authorities / Intermediate Bodies representatives of the member states, technical experts and other stakeholders.

The Thematic Networks coordinate the implementation of Transnational Cooperation on their Common Theme and more specifically:

  • direct the way the Common Theme is implemented at European level
  • act as a platform for the exchange of knowledge, information and best practices
  • support the design of coordinated calls
  • provide relevant information and guidance on policies and actions


For more information, visit the ESF Transnational Platform website


Last modification date: 21/06/2019

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