Committee on Employment and Social Affairs


5 different people standing on stacks of coins of different heights
16-12-2024 - 10:34

In the framework of the EP's 5th Gender Equality Week, the EMPL Committee organised an Exchange of views on "Ensuring gender equality in the labour market: addressing the gender pay gap and the ‘sticky floor’", on 12 December. The term ‘sticky floor’ refers to a discriminatory employment pattern that predominantly affects women, keeping them in lower job ranks with limited mobility and invisible barriers to career advancement.

09-12-2024 - 09:20

After its successful first edition in 2023, the second Disability Rights Week in the European Parliament took place from 2 to 6 December, around the international day for persons with disabilities, on the 3rd of December. 11 committees organised events on topics around the challenges that persons with disabilities are facing in their daily life and discussed solutions that the EP can bring as a policy maker.

Grey building with one illuminated window
21-11-2024 - 15:03

On Thursday, 21 November 2024, the EMPL committee held a hearing on loneliness in the European Union. The Subcommittee on Public Health, SANT, was also involved in this hearing. The purpose of this hearing was to present and discuss the findings of the EMPL Pilot Project on 'Loneliness in the European Union.'

Activity Report 2019 - 2024

Fact Sheets on the EU

The Fact Sheets provide an overview of European integration and of the European Parliament's contribution to that process

Supporting Analyses

prepared by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies


Panel for the Future of Science and Technology