For plenary sittings, the 720 Members of the European Parliament meet in the Chambers in Strasbourg and Brussels.
How are the seats allocated?
The rules which determine the allocation of seats in each Chamber are laid down by the Conference of Presidents:
- Members of the European Parliament form groups based on their political affinity, not on their nationality.
- The Chairs of the political groups sit in the first row in the semi-circle opposite the President of the European Parliament.
- The third row is occupied by Bureau members (Vice-Presidents and Quaestors).
- Within the political groups, the remaining seats are generally allocated in alphabetical order.
Chamber seating plans
The two plans contain:
- a list in numerical order indicating for each seat the name of the Member to whom it is allocated;
- a list in alphabetical order indicating for each Member the number of the seat allocated to him/her.
The seat numbering in Strasbourg is different from that in Brussels; also, a Member may occasionally occupy a different seat for technical or organisational reasons.
The lists are updated for each part-session.