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Dokumenty, které pomáhají utvářet nové předpisy EU

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Zveřejněno na 07-01-2025

On 14 October 2024, EU legislators adopted a new directive on platform work. The directive introduces the presumption of employment – to be applied following national rules – as well as the first EU rules to regulate algorithmic management in the workplace. The new rules will apply from 2 December 2026. Platform work is an umbrella concept covering a heterogeneous group of economic activities completed through a digital platform. Platform workers' rights are not enshrined in EU labour law and this ...

The Constitution of the Republic of Poland, in force since 1997, sets out a unitary, democratic state ruled by law and implementing the principles of social justice. The President of the Republic and the Council of Ministers (government) serve as the executive, while the Sejm (lower house) and the Senate (upper house) are vested with legislative power (Article 10). The Senate is considered a repository of democratic legitimacy on an equal footing with the Sejm, but the dominance of the Sejm in the ...

Poland assumed the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union on 1 January, and will hold the office until 30 June 2025. This is the second Polish Presidency after the country's first stint in 2011. Poland is the opening member of a new trio, along with Denmark and Cyprus. Following Poland, Denmark will take over the presidency on 1 July 2025.

Equality between men and women is one of the key foundational principles of the European Union. Despite much progress, however, significant gaps persist between men and women regarding employment opportunities and income levels. Taxation can either mitigate or exacerbate these gender inequalities. On 13 January 2025, the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC) is due to hold a public hearing on the topic.

In July 2023, the European Commission tabled a package of three proposals for the greening of freight transport. Among them is a proposal for a single methodology for calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transport services, referred to as CountEmissionsEU. The initiative covers both freight and passenger transport. It seeks to ensure that GHG emissions data provided regarding transport services are reliable and accurate, to allow fair comparison between transport services. It establishes ...

Chystané akce

Public hearing on “The Impact of Taxation on Gender Equality in the EU”
Slyšení FISC

On 13 January 2025, from 16:00 to 17:15, the FISC Subcommittee will host a public hearing on the impact of taxation on gender equality in the European Union. The hearing is organized in the context of the European Parliament’s Gender Equality Week 2024, which took place from 2 to 5 December 2025.

Ten issues to watch in 2025
Policy Roundtables and Book Talks EPRS

This event will be held in the Library of the European Parliament in Brussels, which is located on the fifth floor (5D) of the Spinelli building. If you do not have an access badge (official, not external) from the European Parliament, European Commission, European Council, EEAS, EESC, CoR or the EDPS, please register by Monday 13 January at 12:00.

Jiné události PETI

Upcoming Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on “Strengthening cooperation for a timely and correct enforcement of EU law benefitting EU citizens” (PETI ICM), 28 January 2025, Brussels, from 15.00 to 18.30 in the European Parliament in Brussels (Room Antall 6Q2), in physical presence only.

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