- Nikkei Inc.
Nikkei Inc.
Know the Latest in Asia
Nikkei Asia
The Voice of the Asian Century
Nikkei Asia brings you news and insights on the region's most influential companies, and comprehensive coverage of politics, the economy, markets, and trends - all from a uniquely Asian perspective. It is an indispensable tool in your pursuit of professional success in Asia, the epicenter of global economic growth and innovation. Over 30,000 professionals worldwide invest in a subscription (as of Dec. 2020).
Data, News & Insights on Asian Businesses
ScoutAsia is an Asia-focused corporate data and news platform. It was jointly developed by Nikkei and the Financial times in 2018, with the ultimate aim of making Asia more accessible to foreign businesses. Combining quality content and technology, ScoutAsia provides AI-driven insights on what is changing in the Asian business world.
News and Intelligence on Deals across Asia
DealStreetAsia is a Singapore-headquartered media company covering all types of deals - private equity, venture capital, M&As and listings across Asia. It also tracks startups that are disrupting the status quo in the evolution of one of the world's fastest-growing regions. Its platform serves as a one-stop shop for news, intelligence, data and original research to help investors and business leaders make learned, strategic decisions.
The Nikkei Real Estate Market Report
Commercial Property Investment in Japan
The Nikkei Real Estate Market Report is a subscription based online information service focusing on commercial property investment in Japan. The online publication delivers peerlessly detailed information to the global investment community. It provides proprietary information that is not available from any other source on individual deals, and it includes background information, transaction prices supplied online through daily news reports and a monthly publication.