Toolbox — For Training and Youth Work
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Simulation Exercise
This video (see the link below) introduces is a variation of a well known tool of role-play used to encourage discussion on an "uncomfortable" subject and to provoke the discussion on tolerance and understanding.
- to experience the variety of opinions in the society
- to "try" on somebody else's point of view
- to reflect on why collisions of opinions take place in the society
Each member of the group receives a description of his role. The roles vary between two extremes, depending on the subject, but both sides of the extremes, as well as neutral roles, should be present. The facilitator introduces the topic and the aim of the discussion. The task should be to reach an agreement, on whatever is the main subject of the exercise.
After the participants either reach a solution or a time limit, a de-brief and a discussion follows.
Following video illustrates possible flow and topic of the role-play:
SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.
This tool is for
young people, youth-workers.
and addresses
Social Inclusion, Conflict Management
Materials needed:
role cards
45-60 minutes
The tool was created by
(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)
The tool was published to the Toolbox by
Jana Kukk (on 2 May 2014)
and last modified
13 March 2014
my consideration is that, this role play looks like a brainstorm. it is very simple to act but more important is that respect i think the others. thanks for your afford.
so nice video I really liked it !!
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