(总分145, 做题时间90分钟)
Ⅰ Phonetics
Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
A. incline           B. ignore             C. whisper            D. think
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure
Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
As our eating habits changing, choosing what ______ is no longer as easy as it once was.
   A. eat               B. eaten            C. to eat            D. to be eating

A  B  C  D  
In my opinion, your composition is not as interesting as his but yours is ______ in writing.
   A. the best organized  B. better organized    C. so organized as    D. as organized as

A  B  C  D  
It was not until she collected enough material ______ to create her new novel.
   A. did she begin                          B. when she began
   C. that she began                          D. that did she begin

A  B  C  D  
-- What do you think of the cars on the exhibition?
   -- Well, great. But I don' t think much of ______ you' ve bought.
   A. that              B. which            C. one              D. the one

A  B  C  D  
--Sorry,I broke your wineglass.
   -- ______ You didn't mean to.
   A. Never mind.                            B. Certainly not!
   C. Why not be careful?                      D. Don't mention it.

A  B  C  D  
______, his suggestion is not helpful, though it sounds very interesting.
   A. Generally speaking                     B. On the contrary
   C. In particular                           D. To be honest

A  B  C  D  
Please keep me informed ______ the changes of your address as soon as possible.
   A. of              B. for              C. with             D. by

A  B  C  D  
"Overall, export performance will be ______ better, and it' s going to accelerate in the______ Months." said an economist in HongKong.
   A. more,coming      B. much,following   C. little,to come      D. less,to follow

A  B  C  D  
As we all know, it is really ______ convenience to have ______ hospital in a community
   A. the;a            B. / ;a            C. a;a              D. / ;the

A  B  C  D  
--Tom, you' ve got an A in the final English exam. Congratulations!
   --Thanks. But I never thought the result came out so fast. The papers ______ when I left theteacher' s office just now.
   A. had been marked                        B. were still being marked
   C. ale still marking                         D. had been marking

A  B  C  D  
-- How will she behave in case of our failure?
   --She' ll put the blame on us if it ______ badly.
   A. turns up          B. turns down        C. turns off          D. turns out

A  B  C  D  
Niagara Falls is a great tourist ______ drawing millions of visitors from all parts of the world every year.
   A. interest           B. attraction         C. view             D. scene

A  B  C  D  
These examples show that all individuals, they are rich or poor, should be responsible ______ they are involved in law.
   A. if;when          B. if; as long as      C. whether; as long as D. whether; since

A  B  C  D  
You ______ get a new bicycle as a reward for doing well in the following final exam.
   A. must             B. will              C. shall             D. should

A  B  C  D  
Because they hadn't booked a room in advance, there were ______left when they arrived at the hotel.
   A. none             B. no one           C. nobody           D. nothing

A  B  C  D  
Ⅲ Cloze
Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Billy, a hard-working student, is fourteen years old and in the ninth grade. He has a part-time job that  (21)   him up every morning at five o' clock, when most people are still  (22)    asleep. He is a newspaper boy.
   Each morning, Billy leaves the house at 5:15 to go to the  (23)   where the newspapers always are. The newspapers were  (24)   to the comer by truck at midnight. He always takes a wagon to  (25)   them.
   In the winter it is still dark  (26)   he gets up every day, but during the rest of the year it is  (27)   . Billy' must send the newspapers to the houses of people on his  (28)    in all kinds of weather. He tries to put each paper on the po ch(门廊)where it will be  (29)   from wind and rain or snow. Sometimes his customers give him tips,  (30)   him very excited.
   Billy earns about$70 per month through hard  (31)   , and he is saving some of the money to go to  (32)   , where he has always been longing to go. Besides that, he  (33)   the rest of the earnings on records and clothes. Once a month, he has to collect the    (34)    at night since many of them work during the day. That is when he is  (35)   so that he is full of excitement. Luckily, he gets greatly supported by his family. Billy has seventy customers now, but he doesn' t feel happy about the number.
   He dreams that he will get as many customers as possible some day. If that, he might win a prize for being an outstanding newspaper boy. He wants to win a trip to Europe, but he will be happy if he wins a new bicycle.

A. were         B. take              C. gets               D. pick
A  B  C  D  
A. sound        B. falling            C. fall               D. soundly
A  B  C  D  
A. comer        B. street             C. room             D. department
A  B  C  D  
A. given        B. addressed         C. handed           D. delivered
A  B  C  D  
A. carry         B. bring             C. send              D. load
A  B  C  D  
A. at which      B. while             C. that               D. when
A  B  C  D  
A. short        B. black            C. light             D. long
A  B  C  D  
A. mad         B. way              C. route             D. path
A  B  C  D  
A. protected     B. stopped           C. kept             D. prevented
A  B  C  D  
A. making       B. letting            C. leading           D. causing
A  B  C  D  
A. attempt       B. job               C. work              D. struggle
A  B  C  D  
A. abroad        B. school            C. college            D. hospital
A  B  C  D  
A. costs         B. spends            C. pays              D. uses
A  B  C  D  
A. paper         B. money            C. newspapers        D. records
A  B  C  D  
A. depressed     B. energetic          C. fulfilled           D. moved
A  B  C  D  
Ⅳ Reading Comprehension
Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

I fell in love with the minister's son in winter when I turned fourteen. He was not Chinese.For Christmas I prayed for the boy, Robert. When I found out that my parents had invited the minister' s family over for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried in panic What would' Robert think of our shabby Chinese Christmas? What would he think of our noisy Chinese relatives who lacked proper American manners?
   On Christmas Eve, my mother created abundant Chinese food.And then they arrived--the minister' s family and all my relatives.Robert greeted hello, and I pretended he was not worthy of existence.
   Dinner threw me deeper into disappointment.My relatives licked(舔)the ends of their chopsticks and reached across the table.Robert and his family waited patiently for a large plate to be passed to them.My relatives murmured with pleasure when my mother brought out the whole steamed fish.Robert made a face.Then my father reached his chopsticks just below the fish eye and picked out the soft meat. "Amy, your favorite," he said, offering me the tender fish cheek.I wanted to disappear.
   At the end of the meal, my father leaned back and burped(打嗝)loudly, thanking my mother for her fine cooking."It's a police Chinese custom to show you are satisfied, "explained my father to our astonished guests.Robert was looking down at his plate with a reddish face.The minister managed to bring up a quiet burp.I was shocked into silence for the rest of the night.
   After everyone had gone, my mother said to me, "You want to be the shame as American girls on the outside. "She handed me an early gift. It was a miniskirt. "But inside you must always be Chinese. You must be proud you are different. Your only shame is to have shame. "
   It was not until years later that I was able to fully appreciate her lesson and the purpose behind her particular menu. For Christmas Eve that year, she had chosen excellent Chinese food.

When I found out the minister' s family would come for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried mainly because______
   A. I worried about our shabby Chinese Christmas
   B. I worried about our Chinese relatives lacking American manners
   C. I worried about meeting the minister' s family
   D. I worried about being laughed at
A  B  C  D  
What does"he was not worthy of existence" probably mean? It means______
   A. I was not interested in his existence        B. he was worthless
   C. he should not exist                       D. I expected his coming
A  B  C  D  
Dinner threw me deeper into disappointment mainly because______
   A. My relatives licked the ends of their chopsticks
   B. My father reached his chopsticks to pick fish for me
   C. My father leaned back and burped loudly
   D. I childishly expected all of us to act in the same way as Americans at table
A  B  C  D  
We can infer from the passage that______
   A. the writer appreciated her mother' s lesson years later
   B. the writer must be proud that she is different
   C. the mother prepared to show Chinese different food culture
   D. the minister' s family really enjoyed the food
A  B  C  D  

Would you eat a bacon, lettuce and love apple sandwich? You probably have eaten many of them. Love apple was the name used many years ago for the tomato.
   The tomato is originally an American plant. It was found in South America by early Spanish explorers. The word tomato comes from the native Nahuatl word tomatl. But when it moved north, the plant earned a different name. Remarkably, the settlers in North America thought it was poisonous. They believed that to eat it was surely to die. It was said that deserted suitors would threaten to eat a tomato to cause their coldhearted lovers-regret. Because of this legend, the settlers called the tomato a "love apple." While people enjoyed other native plants such as corn and sweet potatoes, everyone avoided the tomato.
   No one knows who first dared to eat a tomato. Perhaps someone was brave enough, or lovesick enough, to try out the truth of the rumors. Of course, whoever ate this fruit was perfectly safe. No one died from eating a love apple. Still, it was many years before the people fully believed that the tomato was a safe, and even good food. But its use did become common, and the plant was sent across the ocean to become part of many traditional European dishes.

The language from which we derived the word tomato is______
   A. Portuguese         B. Spanish            C. Nahuati            D. European
A  B  C  D  
North American people didn't eat tomatoes at first because ______
   A. they had too much other food
   B. they mistakenly thought they were poisonous
   C. settlers ate only traditional European foods
   D. no one liked the taste
A  B  C  D  
The underlined word "suitor" in the second paragraph means______
   A. boyfriend          B. launderer           C. tailor              D. explorer
A  B  C  D  
A good title for this passage would be______
   A. Life in Early America                     B. What Happens to the Brokenhearted
   C. The History of the Tomato                 D. Vegetables in Our Diet
A  B  C  D  

Since April, a new flu named A-H1 Nl(originally called swine flu)has affected over 100,000 people in more than 40 countries. Symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of regular seasonal influenza. People with swine flu often get a fever, headache, cough, sore throat, body aches, vomiting, chills and fatigue. Study has showed, that swine flu is a virus that usually affects pigs but appears to have acquired the ability to pass from person to person, though it' s unclear how easily it can be transmitted this way.
   Usually, the best way to protect yourself contracting it or other infectious diseases is with a dose of common sense: Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water, cover your coughs and sneezes and stay home from work or school if you feel ill. These guidelines may seem basic, but they' re effective in preventing the spread of infections. Richard Besser, acting director of the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), said, "Control of an outbreak of infectious disease is a shared responsibility. It' s important that individuals realize they have a key role to play in reducing their own likelihood of getting infected. "
   If you become sick, stay home for the period of infection, which is typically seven days, although children may be contagious for longer. Once on the mend, don' t return to work or school until at least a day after symptoms have disappeared, Besser said. "Wearing a face mask when out in public isn't warranted(必要)in most cases, "he said. "I know some people feel more comfortable having a mask, and there are certain circumstances where that may be of value, but 1 would rather people really focus on hand-washing, as well as covering coughs and sneezes. \

To prevent swine flu from spreading, which of the following behaviour is not proper according to the text?
   A. Returning to work or school as soon as the symptoms have disappeared.
   B. Covering your coughs and sneezes.
   C. Washing your hands frequently with soap and warn water
   D. Staying home from work or school at least seven days if you become ill
A  B  C  D  
What Richard Besser said in the second paragraph reminds people that______
   A. the government has responsibility to fight against infectious diseases
   B. patients have responsibility to prevent the spread of infectious diseases
   C. everybody has responsibility to control the outbreak of infectious diseases
   D. doctors and experts have responsibility to fight agent infectious diseases
A  B  C  D  
According to the passage, what do we know about swine flu?
   A. Swine flu call be transmitted easily among pigs but not among people
   B. Swine flu is a virus that has acquired the ability to pass from person to person
   C. People with swine flu often get a stomachache, headache and toothache.
   D. Symptoms of swine flu are different from those of regular seasonal influenza.
A  B  C  D  
What does Richard Besser think of wearing a face mask?
   A. It can protect people from getting infected in most cases
   B. It can make people feel comfortable and is affordable.
   C. It isn't as effective as hand-washing and covering your coughs or sneezes
   D. It is more effective than hand-washing and covering coughs and sneezes.
A  B  C  D  

This October, the interact celebrated its 40th birthday. In the past 40 years, this great invention has changed our lives in many ways, including our shopping habits.
   *A big attraction.
   Not long ago, I became an online shopper. I had heard about online shopping before, but I had no intention of following the trend. It was not until my room bought some cosmetics via the internet and both morn and I tried them and were satisfied with the purchase that I finally decided to register for Taobao, China' s leading e-commerce website. Soon, I found cyberspace to be a shopping paradise. There are a lot of cheap daily necessities such as clothes, books, stationery etc. Lots of choices, lower of prices and great convenience making shopping online a big attraction.
    *A new platform.
   Generally speaking, I'm satisfied with goods I' ve bought online, but it doesn't means that I can fully trust e-shopping. On many BBS forums online shoppers bitterly condemn a few e-shops for selling low-quality goods and cheating them of their money. Since no one likes being cheated, some people have turned to a new platform for e-shopping. They have started to buy and sell goods via social net-working websites--for example, two of my classmates have recently set up an e-store on Renren to sell colored contact lenses. (镜片)There is little risk of being cheated, since the sellers are the people we know well.
   *A good suggestion
   Although there are many advantages of doing business via social networking websites, I think it's improper for high school students to do business with schoolmates.
   First, doing business means shouldering huge responsibilities, and we' re not mature enough to have them. Second, our present main task is studying, when doing business is pretty time-consuming. Third, if you are dissatisfied with what you' ve bought from your friends, what will you do? If you retum your purchases, you may hurt your friends' feelings; if you keep silent, you may not feel happy. Shakespeare once said, "To be or not to be, that' s a question. " If you don' t want to face such problems, please follow suggestion: be careful when shopping online and don' t make profits from friendship.

What mainly made the writer become interested in e-shopping?
   A. Many choices, lower prices and great convenience.
   B. The intention of following the fashion.
   C. Morn, satisfaction with the cosmetics bought on line.
   D. The curiosity about shopping online.
A  B  C  D  
The writer can' t fully trust e-shopping because______
   A. a few e-shoppers sell low-quality goods and cheat customers of money
   B. the goods In e-shops are too expensive for customers to buy
   C. there are few choices of necessities for people to make
   D. some people have turned to a new platform for e-shopping
A  B  C  D  
From the text we call infer that the writer is most likely to be a______
   A. school boy        B. school teacher     C. school girl         D. college student
A  B  C  D  
Following the writer' s suggestions,which of the following should we students do?.
   A. Set up a e-store and do business online.
   B. Keep silent if you are not satisfied with what you've bought from your friends.
   C. Return your purchases if you are not pleased with the goods from your friends.
   D. Be careful when e-shopping and avoid making money from your friends on line.
A  B  C  D  

" They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started to play... ! " These words may be among the most successful in advertising history. Although the ad has not run for many years, the slogan is still remembered. It was written in 1925 for the V. S. School of Music, to sell home music lessons.
   The ad has great appeal. It pictures a handsome man sitting at a piano in front of smiling guests. It tells the story of Jack, who has secretly learned to play the piano through a mail-order course. His friends at a party all scoff when he sits at the keyboard. But as he plays the first notes of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata," they all amazed. When he finishes his flawless performance, the listeners shower him with applause and praise.
   Jack tells his friends that he learned to play through the V. S. School of Music. He explains that he was taught through a new method, using no laborious scales and no tiresome practicing. He didn't even have a special talent for music! In the ad, others, too, could increase their popularity and gain happiness.
   The writer of this ad, John Gaples, called this style the "Walter Mitty approach." Walter Mitty is a character in a short story by James Thurber, who daydreams of taking part in great adventures. Although this ad seems old-fashioned now, many people still dream of such easy social success.

The opening sentence catches your attention by ______
   A. surprising you
   B. describing a humorous situation
   C. ridiculing someone
   D. appealing to people's dreams of personal success
A  B  C  D  
Walter Mitty is______
   A. a successful ad man                      B. a short-story writer
   C. a beginning piano player                   D. a fictional character
A  B  C  D  
The author of this passage implies that nowadays the story of Jack would be______
   A. believable          B. inspiring           C. unbelievable        D. sad
A  B  C  D  
This passage is about a______
   A. musical performance                      B. successful advertisement
   C. valuable prize                             D. scientific study
A  B  C  D  
Ⅴ Daily Conversation
Directions: Pick out five appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
A. Hold the line                B. flight number
   C. ask a question               D. To New York
   E. May I have your name       F. reconfirm my seat
   G. please check in             H. On May 2nd
   Reservations clerk: Northwind Airlines. Can I help you?
   DanielAdams: Hello. I'd like to  (56)   , please.
   Reservations clerk: May I have your name and  (57)   , please?
   Daniel Adams: My name is Daniel Adams and my flight number is 374.
   Reservations clerk: When are you leaving?
   Daniel Adams:  (58)  
   Reservations clerk: And your destination?
   Daniel Adams: Buenos Aires.
   Reservations clerk:  (59)   , please... All right. Your seat is confirmed, Mr. Adams. You'll be arriving in Buenos Aires at 4 o' clock p. m. local time.
   Daniel Adams: Thank you. Can I pick up my ticket when I check in?
   Reservations clerk: Yes, but  (60)   at least one hour before departure time.

Ⅵ Writing
Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write a letter in English in 100-120 words based on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.
在生活中有人喜欢运动,也有人不太运动。请你以“Is sport really good for us?”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文:
Is sport really good for us?

   In our daily life,some people love sport while others hate it.