(总分29, 做题时间90分钟)
Part One

John often finds herself daydreaming about boy's and wondering what her life will be like when she gets married. According to Piaget, John is likely in which stage?
     A.Sensorimotor stage                           B.Preoperational stage
     C.Concrete operational stage                    D.Formal operational stage

A  B  C  D  
Susan changed her major three times in college, and now that she has graduated, she still cannot decide what type of job she wants. Erik Eriekson would describe Susan as going through a period of
     A.Shame and doubt                              B.Identity confusion
     C.Despair                                        D.Generativity and stagnation

A  B  C  D  
An infant left to cry in her crib for long periods of time might, according to Erickson, develops
    A.Autonomy           B.Guilt                C.Trust               D.Mistrust

A  B  C  D  
The decision to get married might indicate that Johnny is in which of Freud's psychosexual stages?
    A.Latency             B.Oral                 C.Genital              D.Phallic

A  B  C  D  
Fred, an elderly man who now lives in a nursing home, was just treated to a visit with his newborn great-granddaughter. After the family leaves, having encountered this generation of his offspring gets Fred pondering whether or not he has led a productive life. He wonders if his work and presence in the world before retirement have left it a better place, especially for his own family, or if he has merely been wasting time in his life, filling it up. At this point, which stage of Erickson's Psychosocial Stages of Development best describes Fred's situation?
    A.Industry vs inferiority                          B.Intimacy vs isolation
    C.Integrity vs despair                           D.Autonomy vs shame and doubt

A  B  C  D  
If a developmental psychologist believes that 6-year-olds solve logical problems more efficiently and accurately than 3-year-olds because their memory holds more information and works more rapidly, this belief is consist with which of the following theories?
    A.Information processing                         B.Erickson
    C.Kohlberg                                     D.Piaget

A  B  C  D  
According to Kohlberg, postconventional morality involves
    A.Unquestioning obedience to authority figures   B.Affirmation of self-defined ethical principles
    C.Strong concern for social approval              D.Behavior based on self-interest

A  B  C  D  
Mr. Lambers refuses to pay income taxes because his conscience will not allow him to support a government that spends billions of dollars on military weapons. Mr.  Lambers's reasoning best illustrates Kohlberg's ______ stage.
    A.Egocentric           B.Preconventional      C.Postconventional     D.Conventional

A  B  C  D  
A person who does not cheat on her income tax because she might get caught and sent to jail is demonstrating Kohlberg's ______ stage of morality.
    A.Postconventional     B.Preconventional       C.Formal operational    D.Conventional

A  B  C  D  
Mrs. Pearson cut judy's hot dog into eight pieces and Sylvia's into six pieces. Sylvia cried because she felt she wasn't getting as much hot dog as Judy. Piaget would say that Sylvia doesn't understand the principle of
    A.Conservation         B.Accommodation      C.Egocentrism          D.Object permanence

A  B  C  D  
When Tommy's mother hides his favorite toy under a blanket, he acts as though it no longer exists and makes no attempt to retrieve it. Tommy is clearly in Piaget's stage:
    A.Sensorimotor        B.Preoperational        C.Formal operational   D.Concrete operational

A  B  C  D  
Cindy obeys her father because she knows that she will be punished for disobeying. Kohlberg would describe Cindy's moral behavior as
    A.Immoral              B.Conventional         C.Preconventional       D.Postconventional

A  B  C  D  
When the nurse is communicating with a client with substance-induced persisting dementia, the client cannot remember facts and fills in the facts with imaginary information. The nurse is aware that this is typical of
     A.Concretism          B.Confabulation        C.Flight of ideas       D.Associative looseness

A  B  C  D  
When taking a health history from a client with moderate dementia, the nurse would expect to note the presence of
     A.Hypervigilance                               B.Increased inhibition
     C.Enhanced intelligence                          D.Accentuated premorbid traits

A  B  C  D  
An elderly client is admitted to the hospital with the diagnoses of dementia of the Alzheimer's type and depression. The client has all of the following symptoms. The symptom that is unrelated to the depression would be
     A.Shallow or labile affect                       B.Neglect of personal hygiene
     C."I don't know" answers to questions           D.Apathetic response to the environment

A  B  C  D  
When planning activities for an elderly nursing home resident with a diagnosis of vascular dementia, the nurse should
     A.Plan varied activities that will keep the resident occupied
     B.Provide familiar activities that the resident can successfully complete
     C.Offer challenging activities to maintain the resident's contact wit reality
     D.Make sure that the resident actively participates in the unit's daily activities

A  B  C  D  
An elderly client's family tells the nurse that the client has suffered some memory loss in the last few years. They say that the client is sensitive about not being able to remember and tries to cover up this loss to avoid embarrassment. When attempting to increase the client's self-esteem, the nurse should try to avoid discussing events that require memory of the client's
    A.Married             B.Work years          C.Recent days          D.Young adulthood

A  B  C  D  
During the first month in a nursing home, an elderly client demonstrates numerous behaviors related to disorientation and cognitive impairment. The nurse's plan for care should continue to take into consideration the
    A.Assessment of the client's orientation to time, place, and person
    B.Realistic ability of the client to perform without becoming frustrated
    C.Identification of stressors that appear to precipitate the client's disruptive behavior
    D.Fact that the client's cognitive impairment will increase until adjustment to the home is accomplished

A  B  C  D  
An elderly female client, who is quite confused and often does not recognize her children, is admitted to a nursing home. The client appears slovenly in attire, often soiling her clothing with feces and urine. The nurse can best manage this problem by
    A.Putting the client into orientation therapy
    B.Toileting the client at least once every 2 hours
    C.Supervising the client's bathroom activities closely
    D.Explaining to the client how offensive her behavior is to others

A  B  C  D  
The defense mechanism commonly used by clients who are drug addiction is
   A.Denial    B.Projection    C.Displacement    D.Compensation

A  B  C  D  
Within a few hours of alcohol withdrawal,the nurse should assess a client for the presence of
    A.Yawning, anxiety, convulsions
    B.Tremors, fever, profuse diaphoresis
    C.Disorientation, paranoia, tachycardia
    D.Anxiety, nervousness, irritability, GI upset

A  B  C  D  
With a tentative diagnosis of heroin addiction, the nurse should assess this recently hospitalized client for signs of opiate withdrawal. These signs would include
    A.Lacrimation, vomiting, drowsiness
    B.Nausea, dilated pupils, constipation
    C.Rhinorrhea, convulsions, subnormal temperature
    D.Muscle aches, diarrhoea, yawning

A  B  C  D  
After a binge with cocaine, a young male is found unconscious and is admitted to the hospital with acute cocaine toxicity. Initial nursing action should be directed toward
    A.Setting limit for the patient
    B.Giving support and understanding for the patient
    C.Establishing a therapeutic relationship
    D.Providing the necessary physical care

A  B  C  D  
After a visit from several friends the nurse finds a client with a known history of opiate addiction in a deep sleep and unresponsive to attempts at arousal. The nurse assesses the client's vital signs and would evaluate that an overdose of opiates had occurred if the findings showed a
    A.Blood pressure of 125/80mmHg, a pulse of 80, and respirations of 22
    B.Blood pressure of 140/90mmHg, a pulse of 76, and respirations of 28
    C.Blood pressure of 180/100mmHg, a pulse of 72, and respirations of 18
    D.Blood pressure of 70/40mmHg, a pulse of 120, and respirations of 10

A  B  C  D  
The nurse, when planning care or a client recovering from an opiate overdose, should take into consideration that the client's underlying problem is probably a feeling of
    A.Guilt with a rejection of reality
    B.Hostility with a need for acceptance
    C.Inferiority with strong dependency needs
    D.Anger caused by an overwhelming need for independence

A  B  C  D  
Addict drug are most commonly abused because the individual
    A.Desires to become independent
    B.Wants to fit in with the peer group
    C.Attempts to blur reality and reduce stress
    D.Enjoys the social interrelationships that occur

A  B  C  D  
The most common side effects of regular Methadone use include
    A.Nausea, fatigue, and extreme hunger
    B.Seizures, hoarseness, and electrolyte imbalance
    C.Lightheadedness, euphoria, hypotension, and urinary retention
    D.Weakness, hypertension, and sedation

A  B  C  D  
Which one is not the effect of Methadone maintenance?
     A.Keep the patient from going into withdrawal
     B.Keep the patient comfortable and free from craving street opioids
     C.Restrain the effects of street opioids
     D.Help the patient cease the opioids drug immediately

A  B  C  D  
A client with a known history of opiate addiction is treated for multiple stab wounds to the abdomen. After surgical repair the nurse notes that the client's pain is not relieved by the prescribed IM meperidine hvdrochloride(Demerol)injections. The nurse recognizes that the failure to achieve pain relief from the Demeroi injections indicates that the client is probably experiencing the phenomenon of
    A.Tolerance                                      B.Habituation
    C.Physical addiction                             D.Psychological addiction

A  B  C  D  